
Tips on liter training older ferrets?

by  |  earlier

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also I would like to know some snacks that ferrets like besides raisins, bananas, linotone, and ferretone




  1. Adult ferrets to me, are usually easier to litter train than kits.

    If your ferret is using a corner other than where the litter box is located, then its time to fool your ferret. They will usually not go to the bathroom where they eat, sleep or drink - so placing a food bowl, water bottle or bedding in the "bad" spot will often stop that. (This technique does not always work at first with a kit - I have seen them p**p in their food bowls. Thankfully, they grow out of that nasty habit fairly quickly.) Clean your cage thoroughly to remove any odors that may tell your ferret that an inappropriate spot is their p**p area. There are many commercial products on the market that are very good at removing odor and can help, such as Simple Solution, Nature's Miracle, etc. In order to help reduce the amount of "accidents" you may have to clean up, try leaving the ferret in its cage until they use the box before coming out to play.. Another trick is to reward the ferret with a treat (such as Ferretone) every time they use the box - although sometimes this trick backfires on you - you find your ferret "faking" like he or she is using the box, just to get a treat from you!

    Changing the litter box often can help train your ferret to use the box - some ferrets are extremely fastidious and will not use the box should it get to dirty, in their opinion. Scooping the box daily and dumping weekly is a good rule of thumb, but remember - Multiple ferrets in a cage may result in more frequent dumping. Cutting down one side of the box may also help the ferret enter the box to use it. Male ferrets seem to especially dislike the "Corner" litter pans - their whole body will not fit and that tends to make them ignore that type of pan.

    Allow free run time to be in two hour stages. Put them back in their cage to rest and use the facilities, then let them out again if you wish. A ferret's digestive system works in about three hours - so this will help reinforce them to use the litter box before leaving the cage to play. Use newspaper, puppy training pads where litter boxes won't work (under furniture, beds, behind doors, etc.) Paper training your ferret is a little easier than box training outside the cage, and it is easy to pick up and dispose of. Discontinue the use of the training pads if you see that the ferret is chewing on the plastic or cotton.

    Be patient and persistent!

    As for treats,

    ferrets love anything "you" have but there are things they should not have. Nothing with a bone should ever be given. You should avoid treats high in sugar as ferrets have trouble digesting large quantities of sugar and this can lead to problems with the pancreas. Some good "people" treats to share would be bagels & cheerios. Chocolate should never be given to a ferret. Ferrets love fruits and veggies, but their systems don't. Ferrets do not digest fiber well at all; a banana in comes out a banana. They enjoy treats like banana, raisins, peeled grapes & blueberries. Oh, and they love mashed potatoes. Things to avoid are hard veggies like raw carrots these can actually cause blockage. The key to remember is that even a safe treat is not good if you give him too much, a good amount would be about 1/2 teaspoon of any treat per ferret. And 3 raisins are plenty for one ferret. Too much fiber can cause diarrhea and dehydration.

  2. your killing your pet with the bananas and raisins have fun

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