
Tips on lowering electric bill!?

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My electric bill was SO high this month, the highest it's ever been. I don't know why because I am very careful to turn lights off when I'm not in the room, and I leave the lights off all day and open all the blinds. I keep the a.c. set at about 72-73 degrees during the day, we turn it down to about 70 degrees at night because my husband gets hot when he sleeps. I run the dishwasher once a day and the washer & dry once or twice every couple days. What else can i do?!




  1. If you don't have kids, it might be a good idea to lump the laundry into 1 day instead of doing it every few days. When eating elements are on, like a stove, oven, or even the dryer, it makes your AC kick on and work harder to keep the house cool. If you don't live in a REALLY HOT area, 72-73 is kind of low to keep your thermostat at. Try 75 and turn it down to 72-73 at night. If no one is home at all during the day, set your thermostat to be OFF during the day and to turn on and cool the home about an hour before anyone comes home for the day.

    Places like WalMart sell these things you put on your windows. Its kind of a chore to do but its worth it. Its kind of like shrink wrap and it comes with directions on how to put it on the windows and it keeps the hot air in in the winter and the cool air in in the Summer, so that keeps your AC and heat from coming on too much!

  2. Turn hot water tank down

    Turn off the drying element in you dish washer

    Wash in cold water

    Line dry your clothes ( put them in the dryer to fluff)

    Unplug appliances...don't just turn them off...unplug them

    Turn a/c up to 76 and use fans

    Change light bulbs to the new ones

    I guarantee you electric bill will go down if you follow these rules

    You a/c is what is making the bill the highest.

  3. The water heater is the biggest energy hog in our house.   We began shutting the breaker off to it.  We turn it on an hour before using for showers and dishes.  We have saved alot of money every month by doing this. if nothing else shut it off at night.  but this has really helped and this month i have hung out all my laundry.

  4. Turn your air conditioner up to about 75 degrees and leave it there.

  5. Try to double check the room if some socket when leaving. 'cause it also take charge on it if you we're not using it. And try to use electric fans rather than aircon...

  6. If you have a programmable thermostat and nobody is at home during the day, I'd suggest setting your a/c at about 76 degrees during the day, and about a half hour before you get home have it come down to that 70 degree mark. Also, close off rooms that you don't use in your home.

    I'd also suggest getting a clothes line for drying your clothes, it seems to me you run your dryer quite a bit, that would save tons of money.

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