
Tips on migrating to canada..?

by Guest62094  |  earlier

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i am a filipino citizen, 19 years old, 4th year college taking up bachelor in business administration major in marketing. my dad is an immigrant in alberta, canada.. my papers is now being processed so as my mom.. in a matter of months, we'll be going there if no problems occured to our documents.

could you give me some tips on how to prepare ourselves before leaving our own country?

does alberta, canada honor the subjects that i already taken here in the philippines and just continue my remaining subjects there??

please help me.. it'll be very much appreciated..

---this is my first time to post a question here---

so please don't disappoint me.. thanks..




  1. Be fore leaving make your your degrees will be Ok  My wife was a teacher in Midano and  came here as a nanny. Allso Alberta is EXTREMLY  COLD in winter.You may want to think about  Vancouve rBC. We are on the coast and much larger may be more work,Vancouver is bigger the climate mild in winter  We live in Burnaby a lot of filipinos  in our apt, and district. Go to   hellobc  and tourismvancouver . They have free travel guides to mail you...

  2. first, just bring the things that you really like, especially food.  Filipino food here tends to be more expensive than local food.  I even find the tomatosauce here is different from our Del Monte.

    Clothes are easily bought here, coz they usually have great sale here, as in more or less $5, you can have an Old navy shirt etc...  

    What kind of work does your father have?  Here, it is usually easy to find work, and good salary if you are a skilled worker.  If it is in health sciences, like pharmacist, social worker or nurse,  you have to be certified here before you can practice, but you can still work as a medical assistant, and care home workers.

    I was a secretary for more than 5 years in the Philippines, but when I came here, most of the employers did not look on my experience in the Philippines, what is important to them , is your references here, that someone can prove that you are good employee and so on.  So I end up working odds jobs just to earn money.

    So if you cant finish your course there, you can still finish it here, BUT, 4 year course in the Phils is usually evaluated as 2 yr course here so you have to make up on the 2 years remaining before graduating.  You dont have to be a college graduate to work here, usually at 16 (Grade 11) you can start working. There is really a lot of work here, but dont expect that you will be hired as a manager.  You really have to work hard to earn and remember, employers preferred mga puti, if they can hire someone born here to do the work, why would they hire a pinoy.   Though if they experience working with pinoy, they tend to look for more pinoy, because Pinoy go far beyond their standard.

    Good Luck!

  3. Your Degree's will not be recognized but they will have validation if you speak english well and posses to your employer that you are capable of doing the tasks and jobs you are told to do. Alberta is Cold from October to March. But you should have no problem finding work if you speak fluent english.

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