
Tips on potty training 18-month old with newborn at home.?

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I have an 18-month-old son who seems to be ready for potty training. He knows when he has to go, pulls his diaper down and pees on the floor. He's been doing this for about 2 weeks. I heard that it's not a good idea to start potty training in the middle of a big event (such as bringing home a new baby), that's why I haven't really started training yet, but I can't keep cleaning up the pee off the floor for much longer.

I don't think this is him "rebeling" or "acting out" bc of the new baby, as this behavior started about a week before I had my second child.

I understand many people will think 18 months is too early, but pls keep in mind that I am looking for some encouragement, not "try when he's 2 or 3". So pls let me know of your success stories and tips.

Thanks in advance.




  1. He is obviously ready to be potty-trained.  He has mastered the basic idea of knowing when he has to go.  He also does not want to go in his diaper as he finds that to be uncomfortable.  For the next little while it is going to be most important that you stay close to him and the moment he reaches for his diaper to pull it down, you grab him and run for his potty.  If he has a playroom, move the potty to that room so that the run will be short enough so that he cannot pee before you get there.  Give him a reward every time he holds it until he pees in the potty.  The reward can be as simple as withholding a special toy and letting him play with it only when he has peed in the right place.  Promise a special reward for when he goes on his own to pee in his potty

  2. Do you have a potty chair? If so, leave it in the area where he is peeing, and tell him if he wants to pee like a big boy to do it in there. If he does it, give him a raisin or some other little nummy. I do think 18 months is too young for you to be *trying* to potty train him, but if he really is ready then making it easy for him to self train would be a good idea.

    Good luck!

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