How do i potty train my baby? A few of my friends baby also 11 months already know how to sit on a potty to do their poo poo and pee pee while mine only knows how to play with his potty.
Usually i try to put him on his potty after milk, in front of the t.v but he can only sit still for less than 1 min then he'll turn his potty upside down and play with it. Sometimes he dismantle the whole potty by pulling out the pot and throw away the cover.
So far i succeeded in making him to pee once. As for poo poo, if i saw his sign of poo poo-ing (usually his face will show) i will quickly take off his diapers and put him on, most of the time he already poo-ed onto the diapers but i let him sit also but he won't poo until i put on a new diaper and he poo on his diaper again.
Any tricks to make them sit still on the potty?