
Tips on potty training?

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How do i potty train my baby? A few of my friends baby also 11 months already know how to sit on a potty to do their poo poo and pee pee while mine only knows how to play with his potty.

Usually i try to put him on his potty after milk, in front of the t.v but he can only sit still for less than 1 min then he'll turn his potty upside down and play with it. Sometimes he dismantle the whole potty by pulling out the pot and throw away the cover.

So far i succeeded in making him to pee once. As for poo poo, if i saw his sign of poo poo-ing (usually his face will show) i will quickly take off his diapers and put him on, most of the time he already poo-ed onto the diapers but i let him sit also but he won't poo until i put on a new diaper and he poo on his diaper again.

Any tricks to make them sit still on the potty?




  1. It's great to familiarize your son with the potty at this age but to get him completely potty trained he needs to show signs that he is ready. This would include telling you when he has done a poo or wee. Once he is able to do this, I'm sure it would be a lot easier. As for your friends whose babies are already using the potty, they are VERY lucky. It is incredibly early for them to be doing so. My son was 2 1/2 and he made the transition very easily because we waited until he was ready. Just go with the flow. Have fun.

  2. don't make it an issue and do let him play with the potty - he's just getting used to it.

    if you're trying this when he's only 11 months, what you're doing is basically "elimination communication" - google it and you'll find a ton of resources.  personally I waited until 3 years old, and didn't press the issue - he did it on his own when he was ready, which was within a couple months.

  3. you have to wait until they are ready...a few tricks, let him choose his potty. ask him to let you know when he feels he has to go, put cheereos in it and tell him to aim at them. just relax and it will eventually happen. good luck :)

  4. Maybe he's not ready yet.  Boys often dont go on the potty until after they are 2 yrs old.  Check for the signs, if he goes somewhere private when he messes his diaper, or wants to watch you on the pot.  If you still feel the need to potty train him then you could put a toy arch over the potty, or get his dad to help him. Boys learn better when there dad does it too because they have the same potty time parts!

  5. Most boys won't be potty trained until they are around 3 years old. Every baby is different and there's no point forcing it-he will potty train in time. You're doing the right things but right now a potty makes a great toy (occasionally a

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