
Tips on potty training??

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Hi I want to potty train my son he's 15months but really forward. I've left him without a nappy and started introducing a potty slowly but he's showing sign that he's ready such as when he wee'd on the floor he says 'uh oh spilt it' and rushes over to potty - although not had any on the potty... and he has asked for potty sat on it then got straight off and did straight away on the floor - but showed he knew he needed to go but just didn't actually do on potty. All i have done so far is half hour in the morning to introduce - Where do I go from here and is he ready??

Thinking of taking week of and having no nappies and seeing how it goes?




  1. It sounds like he's certainly ready to start trying.  15 months is early for a boy.  See if you can time out when he "usually" pees and try to get him to the potty before hand by making it a game.  Try reading him a book (or letting him hold the book) while he's on the potty to keep him on there for a longer time.

    Best of luck!

  2. I potty trained my daughter in one weekend she was18 months though,I just had loads of clean pants on standby and put her in them she had lots of accidents and i didnt take off her wet knickers imeidiately but left her for a couple of minutes before i changed her,sometimes she would squat on the floor so i had to be quick and get her on the potty,its amazing how often they go to the toilet once they start using the potty.I think they apprieciate the freedom of being out of nappies and enjoy the independance.Leaving them with wet knickers for only a couple of minutes lets them apprieciate how uncomfortable wet knickers are .I kept the potty close to where she was playing and kept it clean and after the first day she was using the potty herself and also attempting to dry herself.That was a couple of weeks ago and i have built a step for the main toilet and have a small training seat that she can lift on herself the only trouble is she can be a bit lazy and reverts to the potty down stairs when she does not want to go upstairs on her own,still thats getting less and less.Make sure you can do it when youve got plenty of time to spend with them maybe having a play day together,it wont take long.

  3. To help introduce it more you should read him some potty books! They have some really cute ones we have gotten for our boys ;) and it helps them get into it more... Also you could get him a very kool potty chair at the store! Something that would interest him. We are getting my son the "DIEGO" potty seat b/c he LOVES diego! I think that would make them want to SIT on there and use it. Tell them the character (if the potty has one) really wants them to go! haha.

    Also you should put a pull up on him. And just keep taking him every like 15 mins. When you happen to get lucky and he goes on it, you make a HUGE deal about it! Give him a treat for using the potty, and that will make him want to do it again next time!

    Goodluck, i've been there!

  4. Potty Training is an important part of childrearing, because if you get it wrong, your child may grow up to be an Accountant.

  5. My son is 2 and a half and has been potty trained almost a year.. I would start buying some underwear for him and let him wear them throughout the day. And once you see he is about to go take him and put him on the potty. If he doesnt like the potty try buying a seat cover they sale at walmart in the baby and toddler section and put on your toilet. My son would never use a potty but he used his potty cover very well once he was on the big toilet. I also wouldnt switch between diapers and pull ups because this can confuse a child. My son had accidents at night for about a week then he would wake up dry in the mornings so I would just leave underwear on him. If he goes and uses the potty then praise him and tell him what a good job he is doing. You could also try putting cheerios in the toilet and have him stand on a step stool and let him aim at them to see if he can hit them. Good Luck because this takes a lot of time and patience on both parts

  6. Dont stress My son is almost 3, he showed he knew what the toilet was for at an year and then didnt want anything to do with it til after he was 2.

    now that he is almost 3 he is doing well, as long as he can get to his stuff easily to go, tight shorts and underwear he will no go on his own, If I take him he will go, most of the time he will nap with out an diaper, but at night he still needs one.

    You need to watch for the signs,  getting past the point of know he needs to pee and controling it is the hard part. I spent many days sitting on the floor keeping my son on the potty because I knew he had to go and would be going soon.  it helped him to understand when the urge hit and when he actually had to pee.  He learned at his own pace.

    When the weather got warm and I was doing yard work outside I encouraged "peeing on an tree"  which is how I was raised, its ok to pee outside, esp for boys.  Not in the city but growning up in the country in the forests alot as an child.  

    so my son has become excited to the fact that when he has to go he doesnt have to run into the house every time, the only brick wall we hit latley is the p**p.  He wants to do that outside, we just work on him slowly, he knows but still just forgets, so an gentle reminder helps.  

    Use some underwear for an while, and keep extra clothing in the car, and go for it, I had to take my son home several times to get clean clothing because of an accident.  It feels good when he is trying,even if there is an accident.

    Good luck.

  7. potty training takes time, and beleive it or not, boys are harder to train than girls.

    There is more to potty training than what u are doing. buy the book, *how to potty train in less than  a week*. really worked well with my son, and yes, he was trained in one week!

    best wishes

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