Here's the deal: I've been smoking for twenty years. I've tried all the alternative therapies, and none of them worked--and I seriously don't want to smoke anymore, my mind is made up, but it seems my body rejects the whole idea. I see and feel the benefits of being a non-smoker when I quit for just a couple days. My sinuses aren't clogged in the morning and I can go up a flight of stairs without becoming winded! Lol.
Cold turkey isn't working for me. I try to fight the urge, but the cravings are unbearable. I've tried some of things, such as sipping water, deep breathing, occupying my hands, taking a walk, etc. that are supposed to help with the cravings, but I keep falling off the wagon as it were.
Does anyone know anything that will actually help me kick this god awful habit--some things that I perhaps haven't tried?