
Tips on revising???

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i'm doin my maths gcse tomorro nd need sum tips 2 do sum last minute revisin any1 got any ideas???




  1. 1. make a list of what topics you find hard

    2. find questions on them in your text book or on the internet

    3. do loads and loads ( i know its painful but it pays off)

    4. dont look at all of it and think pft i got loads

    5. focus on one question at a time

    hope it helped and good luck wiv ur gcse

  2. jot down the main notes and underline key words and formulas

    go to website to do some revisions

    do practice papers

    thats al i can think of

  3. im doing mine tomorrow aswell best thing for you to do is write notes, make sur you have enough energy to revise and look back at your old work if you are stuck on anything

    wish you luck!

  4. revise in 30 minute spells taking a break in between, get someone else involved to ask you questions, or read out loud when you feel like you are taking nothing in.
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