
Tips on serving?

by Guest60468  |  earlier

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i need tips on how to do an overhand serve. with a hard ball and a "bouncy" ball




  1. I have had trouble serving for many years. I just got my over hand serve down and i have been playing since 7th grade (i am now a sophmore). Make sure you follow through with your swing and you dont throw the ball to high. If you throw the ball to high you will have to wait longer and that can mess up your rutine. Also...make sure you throw the ball the same height each time (that can also mess up your rutine if you throw it at different heights.) Also...make sure you have the right stance...if you are right handed make sure you have your left foot infront of your right. if you are left handed...your right goes infront. And what ever foot in in the back of the other...make sure you drag it as you swing. And do swing across your body because that will make your serve either go out or not go where you want it to. Thats all I have...good luck!

  2. make sure you get your toss down... i think thats the most important thing . Make sure not to toss too high either.  Practice tossing it in front of you and no so high that you have to crank your head to keep it in view.

    Start out holding the ball in front of you with both hands (serving hand on top, tossing hand on bottom).  

    Keep your hand open and pull back so that your thumb is by your ear.  Keep your elbow high (like in archery).  

    Toss the ball in front of you and while keeping your elbow up... swing thoroughly ..follow through! dont drop your elbow! and keep your eye on the ball! the court isnt going anywhere

    dont forget to step into your serve for more power!

    hope i could help :) good luck!

  3. open plam and hit just under the middle of the ball... so its like a 45 degree angle... starts serving floaters,  and then as u practice, u can hit harder and all that..

  4. I had problems with over hand serves for a while, but then I got a tip.Instead of using one hand to toss the ball up, use both and toss straight up.Take your arm back, like pulling a bow in archery, and then bring it up and forward.Hit with an open palm (don't cup your hand!) Swing all the way through.After you get the motion embedded into your brain, put a little movement into it. I take about three steps when I serve. It gives you more momentum and that will give you a more powerful serve. Good luck.

  5. make sure u have ur serving routine down pat and u are comfortable with it,then just hit as hard as you can

    PS. be sure to stretch and do some hitting drills to help u

  6. Just hit as hard as you can.

  7. Serve with your hand open (don't use a fist).  Make sure you shift your body weight forward and don't toss the ball too high (maybe 2' over your head).

    follow through

    practice practice practice

    make sure the ball is filled w/ air

    swing at the ball, dont slap it

  8. Raise your arm with your elbow just over your shoulder. toss the ball with your other hand. you really want it to go about 1 foot above your raised arm. anyways toss step hit. just hit it and follow through all of they way. for a top spin flick the wrist.

  9. serving is something that came naturally to me, since i play tennis and the serves are almost the same.  

    try practicing your toss first.  do you toss with both or only one hand? well either way, you should get it consistent. then, what i find really works, since I tried it on my sister who couldn't serve at all before, is to simply bring your arm up in front of you and then bring it back, locking your elbow. then make sure you shift your weight onto your left leg, if you're a righy, or your right leg it you're a lefty and swing. make sure to contact that ball above your head and right as it begins to fall.

    i hope this helps! good luck.

  10. In order to serve a deep strong overhand serve you have to toss the volleyball with your non-dominant hand and swing with your other. You should only toss the ball about 1 feet higher than your head. Keep practicing till every serve goes over!

  11. Tip of the day:    PRACTICE
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