
Tips on starting high school?

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I'm starting high school on Tuesday, and I'm very nervous because the school is very big and I'm afraid that I will get lost. Tips?




  1. You attended the freshman orientation, correct? I don't know if your school has one or not, but most schools do. If you are still not sure, ask your school's office for a map/blueprint of the school. You will be surprised at how much that helps. Go in early the first day, and take a few minutes to walk through your schedule. Don't panic, and find your friends from middle school. Once you get a few weeks into school, I suggest you join some clubs, so that you can find and meet new people with the same interests as you! :) Good luck!  

  2. I just had my first day on Monday! anyway, you might get lost but just try to find someone that's going to your next class so you won't get lost alone. =) also, in middle school I found it was very social and the classes are more laid back...I don't know about your school but I have all honors and the classes are intense. Like, we started working right away. but don't worry. It's pretty easy once you get into the swing of things. Alsoo, I would recommend joining a sport or after school club because you meet a lot of cool people. Like, I just joined Field Hockey and I met a bunch of girls who are really nice! I had no idea how to play, but I learned. So don't be afraid to try new things! good luck! <33

  3. You might, but so does everyone. By this time next month you will wonder what you were so afraid of. Good luck.  

  4. I just started a new school too with over 500 students in it! Just relax you're going to know at least one person in every class that you have because most classes are separated by grade level. Also you can chose to join sports teams and clubs to see you're friends if you don't see them during the school day.

  5. Meet up with your friends from middle school.  There may be an orientation for Freshmen.  Being nervous is normal but you will get over it in time.  Just take it one day at a time.  If you wish, visit your school before hand just to get to know the buildings.  Find your classes if you have your schedule.  Once you get settled in to your new school, you'll find that high school is much better than middle school.  Best of luck!

  6. get involved and try to make as many new friends as possible. that way you'll make it enjoyable and have friends to share the experience with!

  7. On the getting lost thing..don't be afraid to ask a teacher, they really do help, I got lost on my first day of school, and I was like about to cry, but I asked a teacher and it was okay.

    Overall, a tip for high school is to put yourself out there. If you go to high school and a lot of your friends are also going there, don't be afraid to step out of that group and make new friends. I'm not saying to ditch your old friends, but just make some new ones.

    If you're pretty much alone, say hi to someone who's locker is next to yours. Or just ask to sit with someone at lunch. Make friends, I met tons of people on the first day of school. Have fun, high school is so fun!

  8. On the first day of school, it's common to get lost. In my school, I TA for a GLC, and he spends the first few days outside trying to direct people to the right path, and so I spent some time outside as well. Some are scared to ask him, so they come to me. In fact, in that one period I had around 5 to 9 people come and ask me for directions. The whole day? Around 12 to 15. You'll catch on sooner or later. There usually is a pattern on where classes are.

    Do you have a map? If so,try to draw out your route from one class to another. It helps alot. Ask friends where they'll be going, and figure out a way so that you guys can go together.

    During breaks and lunches, also figure out where you guys will eat. You'll definitely get lost. For me, there's like 3000 students, so try to make the connection. My freshman year, I couldn't even find my way around the school, and now, I know the school inside and out. It's like I have a mini GPS in my head.

  9. Make friends quickly. You will be able to not only overcome but conquer. Cheers!!!

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