
Tips on studying,living and working in Paris.what are the things I should be aware of and need to do before?

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going there?




  1. Paris is a large city, and, in public areas, there won't be much patience for someone who's in the way or doesn't know his/her way around. The less time you spend in areas where rich tourists, Americans or others, go, the happier you will be and the happier the French will be with you. Behave with greater formality than at home; use Mme, Mlle and M until that person tells you otherwise. Even if first names are fine, they'll take your approach as more respectful.

    Arrange how you'll get money that you aren't taking with you-- Deposit to an international bank or using a credit card. Either there or before you go, get a book of arrondisement maps. I wondered all over half of Paris by myself and was never afraid (well, once on a deserted street) because I could always pull out a map and find the metro.

  2. You should probably check out the French Embassy website and see what legal procedures are involved with the things you want to do in Paris. It's not that easy just moving to another countries as there will be many restrictions on foreign nationals seeking employment, attending school and just living there for any length of time. You need to be eligible and acquire the proper visa or visas that allow you to legally stay there. Here's the French Embassy website, good luck:

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