
Tips on winning at the horse track???

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Does anyone have any suggestions for winning at the track? I'm new at this!




  1. As has been stated, there are a lot of variables in successful betting (and very few can do it long run).

    But one nice little system relies on the human factor. It should put you on a lot of winners, or horses that run well.

    Get a Racing Form (about five bucks in most areas of the country) and check off all jockeys and trainers in today's races that have a win percent for the year of at least 17%. That  is to say, both rider and trainer must have hit that percent minimum this year so far.

    If more than one per race qualifies, bet the one with the highest post time odds.  Or the horse that ran the most recent race. (The date of the last race for each horse also shows in the Form.)

    At cheaper tracks you may have to lower the win percent down to 15 or 14 each for rider and trainer, to find very many that qualify.

    At some tracks this info is in the program, which will be less expensive than the Racing Form.  If you don't know where to find it just ask someone at the track with a Form, they'll be happy to tell you.  Or ask at the Information Window.

    Good luck. Enjoy the experience.

  2. Friends don't let their friends bet chalk.

    Just remember that you'll do fine.

  3. First you need to know what type of betting you want to do.

    Also I would advise attaining a race book and learn how to handi-cap. Its not hard but can be a lil detailed. Have fun, Dont bet every race just the ones you feel confident on. Look at owners, trainers,horse weight, jockey records,last race dates,results, and training. Bet something across on a horse with great odds and potential to win a race. I try to do that at least 3 to 4 times a trip to the track. You can always find a person willing to give up tips at a track. Some good Some Bad. Have Fun thats the most important part dont go to make money.

  4. Don't bet your eating money!

  5. I like betting on the underdog, ive won a few times like that.

  6. if you play the top 5 jockeys and the 5 top trainers

    you will win around 75% of the races. if you have anymore questions you can e-mail me direct, and i will share with you my 34 years of playing the ponies...what state, and what tracks to you play at.

  7. There are so many variables and things to look at (and I've tried them all) that you should keep is as simple as possible in the beginning and find something that works for you.  There are people who know jockeys very well; types of races they like, trainer they work well with, etc.  There are others who look at the breeding of a horse to see if they might like turf or dirt, short or long distances, and so on.  Without knowing anything, being new at this, find a horse in the program that has won a race at the distance he/she is running that day (6 furlongs, mile, mile 1/8), is running close to the class level they normally run ($12,000 claiming, $50,000 claiming, allowance) and is running on the surface they won on (turf, dirt).  Look for odds that are better than expected, pays more (program says 2-1 and the horse is being bet at 4 or 5-1 >).  Stay away from horses that seem to be over bet (8-1 morning line 6-5 in the betting).  If you can wait before betting look at the horses and find a horse that looks fit and seems to have controlled energy.  Write notes on your program before and after the race to see what works for you.  You may not win much in the beginning and since you're new at it keep your bets low.  As you find YOUR system that wins for you then get more daring.

    Mostly have fun and enjoy the experience.  Good luck!!!

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