
Tips or Techniques on being a Prop???

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Right here we go, im a Prop, im 15 years old, playing the good old game of Union, i am 6 feet tall, 200lb's (15 stone) muscely arms/legs, bit of fat on my stomach, i want to know if anyone has any tips or techniques for playing this position and possible workouts to encourage my build towards being a prop?




  1. im exacly the same as u.. 15, 6 ft, 14 stone.. everybody is telling me that 6 ft is too tall to be playing prop. have u considered 2nd row?? thats where im gonna try for this season. for prop make sure u have the right body position in the scrums, u can seriously hurt ur back if ur too tall and dont have the right position

  2. 6 feet is NOT to tall (though it may be at your age group).  I've played it for many years at 6'1".  

    The most important thing, especially for a taller prop, is core strength.  Your abdominal muscles, your back, your hips...these matter a LOT.  These are what give you balance and stability.  Just as importantly, these muscles need to be strong so that you can withstand the forces pushing you from all directions...without that strength, you will fold up and nullify the power of your drive and that of your teammates...but a strong core is what transmits that strength to your opposition.  

    Legs are important too, obviously.  Upper body strength (arms and chest) are actually the least valuable.  I know that the bench press is sort of a generic benchmark of strength, but as an exercise it's pretty useless when it comes to propping.  

    So get your back strong, your abs, and work on your legs.  The technique will follow (and be magnified) from there.

  3. That's a much better question. Well done. Seems you did listen to all the people who told you to stop trying to cheat but to train hard and play hard. Try these websites:

    For a more technical approach, try this one:,18881,39...

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