

by Guest58040  |  earlier

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tips to become more popular in the school......... thankx




  1. dont hang out with the geeks.

    go to the popular kids parties

  2. Step One

    First of all, you must figure out what is your views on being popular. How do you define popularity? You may need to discuss this with friends. (Never say that your planning on becoming popular) Write it down on a piece of paper and take a look at it. Wait three days and go back to that list and edit it as needed. I say after a month of doing this you will have your list ready for you to work off of.


    Step Two

    Alright, you MUST OBSERVE those who you believe are popular. Take note on what you like and dislike about them. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Also, take a look in your favorite magazines to see what you like. If you own the magazines you can tear out the pages or sections you want and put them on your wall for safe keeping. (If your parent's don't allow it you can glue or tape them to poster board and pull out the poster board when your working on it.) Make sure that you give yourself throgough notes about each picture/section so that when you come back to it you can understand.


    Step Three

    Now that you have the first two steps done (which by far are the most important) no it's time to do some fine tuning. Take a look at your body and see what you like and don't like about it. Write that down. I know this is where the self esteem issues come in but let me assure you you are on the right path. After taking note of yourself, pick ONE thing you want to work on. Something that you CAN take care of. (ex. clearing up your skin, doing your hair more often,taking showers everyday, etc) This is your first goal, your physical goal. Write this goal down as GOAL#1.


    Step Four

    Now, for GOAL#2 take a look at that list you made from observing the popular kids. Pick one positive and one negative from that list. For this goal you will do the positive and aviod the negative. Please write down that goal.


    Step Five

    After you complete goals #1 & #2. Continue to edit and complete your goals and lists so that you can achieve that popularity status within you first. In order for everyone else to think you are popular, you must believe that you are popular first.


    Step Six

    Now, if you were able to complete the first 5 steps congrats! You are now able to function in high school society. Now all you have to do is work on your image. Image = want you want people to see. It's not about becoming fake or playing a role. We all live different lives in the same life (ex. home life, s*x life, friends, work life, school life).


    Step Seven

    What we will work on now is your clothing. You have search through magazines and observed a lot of people and now you are ready to compile your wardrobe. Always start with 3 pairs of jeans and 7 T-shirts and 8 pairs of underwear. Those are the basics to life. After that, little by little, work items of clothing into your wardrobe.


    Step Eight

    Here we will work on you people skills. There are two rules to this:

    1. USe common sense.

    2. Show respect (no matter what) to those of equal ranking or higher. (Adults, peers, parents, strangers)


    Step Nine

    Here Is where you will learn the most important things about becoming popular: It doesn't last long. High School/Middle School/Elementary school is just that. When you graduate you will have the choice or work or school. Sure, these tipes can help out adults, but not exactly how I wrote them. You must remember that you shouldn't work too hard to get something that will make you miserable in the end. Life happy and be happy.

  3. y do u want to popular? popularity isn't everything u know. imma 13 and imma in middle school and there is 13 popular girls in the 8th grade. so ik wat ur going through.

  4. get in trouble a lot.  but always get in trouble for something that is so funny that it is legendary.  For example, I know a guy who made $260 from onlookers in the cafeteria who paid to have him stand on a lunch table and dance until he was physically removed by campus security.  He just got up there and started shaking his thing, the teachers didn't know what to do, the principal was telling him to get down, and finally after about 25 mintues they got the campus gaurds to physically restrain him.  It was hilarious, now that kid is super popular, and that was 12 years ago.  

    Date a hot girl and break up with her because she isn't hot enough for you.  This works EVERYtime.  

    Grow a beard.  

    Get a tattoo of a monkey.  

    Start a rumour that you have an 13 inch (member).  

    Maybe, be a nice person.

  5. either you have it or you dont.

  6. Improve your general knowledge.

    Be Active

  7. be outgoing

    dude i dunno be yourself and real friends will like u forwho u r

  8. 1)go naked...and show t everyone taht u were naked..

    2) wear out of date attire..

    3) hav ur face,shoulders completely tattoted

    4) wear female attire..

    5) .......

    all d best.
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