
Tips that will enable me to have fun on my first snowboarding trip instead of falling the whole time?

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I'm an intermediate skier and skateboarder.

I actually went snowboarding once a few years ago.

Took one of those beginner's classes that lasts about an hour and didn't really learn anything from it.

Ended up falling on my *** the whole time and throwing up at the end (lol).

I'm hoping that since I've picked up skateboarding that will help me a little. I'm sure I'll still suck though.

Any tips for an absolute beginner? What can I do to keep myself from falling? What do they teach you at the very beginning?




  1. Well I went for my first time last week and I fell quite a bit at first.  About one time every ride down the hill.  However, that got a lot better very fast.  After a couple hours of determination, I was a pro(not really) at just cruising down the hill and I started doing some fancy stuff.

    Good luck!

  2. First of all there is no way to keep yous *** safe when you start.

    The fact that you are a skater will help a lot.

    Find a better trainer and tell him to show you everything in that 1 hour lesson. Then go to an easy run and practice all those you've learned. It will be a bit painful but don't give up.

    I was able to go on a blue run from the first day i tried snowboarding, after the lesson.

    Try look on the internet for some beginner guides so you have an idea.

  3. if it fits in to you budget private lessons work wonders the 1 on 1 time really helps

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