
Tips to Save Gas?

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Need tips to save gas. Gas bills have been crazily high recently. Hope to save.




  1. PLEASE join me in a gas strike.

  2. Use taxis, busses.  Maybe come up with an idea at work to carpool.  Get a bike... try to bike to the grocery store and places near by that you go to a lot.

  3. Save up your trips.

    In other words, don't just "stop by the store for a few things".

    Actually plan your shopping trips, stock up, and wait until you really run out of multiple things to make that trip.

    Empty out your trunk. The extra weight gets you worse mileage.

    Accelerate slower.

    Keep your tires properly inflated.

  4. Drive slower

    slow down sooner so you don't need to brake or stop

    combine trips


    ride a bicycle

    ride the bus

    beg rides from your neighbor

    buy a diesel, convince your neighbors to eat lots of fried foods, so you can get their cooking oil....

    lock yourself in your room, and play video games....

  5. Are you meaning  car gas?  There  was  a publication on that recently.  I remember it  said to lessen any weight in trunk not needed,  keep tires inflated properly, fill tank in cooler temps as heat  evaporates gas., and of course regular tune ups.  There may be more but that all I remember now.  *mamatx

  6. i been wondering the same thing

  7. Don't Drive

  8. ddont drive aroound too much & keep your car off when staying around waiting for someon ein a car

  9. Ever have to hand push a car from a dead stop? Inertia is a gas waster as it takes more energy, red lights are a major source of inertia. Try to 'time'  traffic signals even if it means slowing way down to hit it green, you will use less gas.  Your motor works harder to propel a car with an under inflated tire or tires and a trunk full of anvils or bodies.  Make a list - plan a route - pick a lane and stick to it - keep in mind "right turn on red and left turn yield on green'  even without the arrow unless instructed otherwise - Jack Rabbit starts are not going to get you there faster.  There are so many that I won't insult your intelligence by reiterating them, remember the admonition "Hey buddy, where's the fire?"

  10. If you mean gas in a car (as opposed to a gas stove), then I would suggest really planning out where you go and when. Don't just get in the car and drive to the bank and back home. Make every trip count.

    I usually figure out what errands I need to do in a week (grocery store, bank, library, post office, etc) and plan out a route. For example, the bank is on the way to the grocery store so I'll make those trips together. The next day I'll go to the post office because I am near it anyway when I drop my daughter off at school.

    If you do this consistently, you actually save a lot.

  11. Tips to Save Gas:

    Here are simple tips to save gas. These tips will allow you to spend lesser amounts on gas. Ultimately, these tips can also save the environment as well.

    Save gas by braking the correct way:

    You can easily save at least 10% to 25% gas by braking the correct way.  Especially when there is a traffic jam, try to press on the brakes as little as possible. This works because the vehicle consumes the most gas while accelerating than already moving. So by using this simple tip, you can save a considerable amount of gas.

  12. buy it in the morning. also fill-up on wed when weekend prices have leveled out. go to and type in your zip to find cheapest

  13. CRUISE CONTROL.  Please.  I cannot stand the stupid driver who speeds up, slows down, speeds up, etc.


  15. Bike if where your going is close by.

    Try looking into methane and find a way to get it and use it.

    Another advice is quite pricy if you are willing to do so which is buying another car that use less gas to the mile but your saving as you said in your question but at least you wont have a problem with the gas afterwards.

  16. Keep an eye on your tire pressure, don't drive too fast
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