
Tips to a Power Hitter?

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what are some tips to become a power hitter?

-hands, feet, stance etc




  1. I play for Woodinville WA koufax team and I have had my ups and downs with my power! One main factor in my homerun hitting was that I had a hard time keeping my shoulder down. Many people including I let my front shoulder rise causing a pop fly! This is because it puts a slight upper cut that you cant see in your swing causing you to get under the ball. If you keep your front shoulder down you hit more linedrives which will eventually turn into homeruns!

    One quick note is that a few major leaguers like Carlos Pena have been succesful doing the opposite, but most haven't. I believe it is because of pena's stature as he has very broad shoulders making it hard tokeep his shoulder down! Hope I helped!

  2. Usually the term "power hitter" includes these simple things:

    -You should work out to gain muscle strength

    -Usually, power hitters are a little on the beefy side

    -When swinging your bat, must have powerful follow through, and quick jolts of the hips.

    Hands: Line up knuckles on your bat, elbows relaxed (not sticking straight out like some tell you)

    Feet: Shoulder width apart, "Squish the bug"

    Stance: Most pressure should be on your back leg because your front leg is your target timer.

    You need to have a good swing (Swing like your chopping wood, straight down THEN follow with wrists) and a quick twist with your hips so you can stay out ahead of the ball.

    Kind of hard to explain on the internet rather than showing someone in person, but I tried. Hope this helps.

  3. Hitting power comes from the ground up.

    1.  Stance ~ feet a little more than shoulder width apart

    2.  Grip ~ Knocking knuckles aligned.  To check, grip the bat and point both index fingers.  If correct, fingers will point in the same direction, straight out from the hitter.  If they point in opposite directions it is often caused from raising the back elbow.  Let your elbows hang easy, where it feels comfortable to you.

    3.  Load/stride ~ Load your weight from balanced over both feet, to mostly on back foot, which takes the weight off your front foot, so you are able to stride.  With this initial weight shift, you also load your hands back - go back to go forward.  Stride early and slow, about 6" works well.  You stride, then hit; not stride to hit.

    4.  Squish the bug with your back foot.  This just describes the action taken with your back foot, which will result in driving the power up from the ground, through your hips.  The more you can turn your hips, without turning your shoulders, the more power you generate.

    5.  Keep your hands inside the ball.  Take the k**b of the bat and drive it down towards your front foot, take the palm of your top hand at the pitcher.  You want a short, quick path to the baseball.  This will allow you to wait longer on the pitch, which will help you make better decisions on pitch selection.

    6.  At contact, your hands are above the barrel of your bat.

    7.  Swing through the ball, not to the ball.

    8.  Finish balanced over both knees, in the same two footprints.  Even if you make solid contact with a pitch, if you are falling backwards, the ball will not travel like it does when you are balanced.

    9.  When you finish your swing, you should be able to reverse your hands and swing the other direction.  This is a good check for balance.

    The hitting progressions are something a hitter needs to drill, correctly, over and over until they do them without thinking.  Once at the plate, you only have time to see the ball early, decide if it is a pitch you can and want to swing at, put a good swing on it, and hit it hard somewhere.  That is basically the definition of a successful at bat.

    Your mind will learn what you teach it, whether it is right or wrong.  Work on quality repetitions.

    I hope this helps!  Good luck to you.  Focus on the process, the results take care of themselves.

    Yours in baseball,


  4. as far as your stance goes, theres really not alot you can do there to increase power. if you have good swinging mechanics as opposed to bad you might have a 10% further ball but chances are you don't have that bad of swing mechanics or stance now.  Power hitting just comes from how fast you can get the head of the bat through the zone. it has to do with your hips, wrists forearms and back mostly. Some people have the ability to generate alot of power or bat speed and most people don't.  about the only thing I can tell you to increase is to do alot of swinging underwater.

  5. Avoid injuries, which can sap your power

  6. well you'll have a strong body all around, you should put your weight on your back leg, and you should have a stance that's not wide but not skinny(right in between).  Make sure to drive with your hips and extend your arms.  Get the barrell of the bat on the ball.

  7. Make contact and hit it a long way...Got it?  Good!

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