When you read this,you may think that the answer is obvious and want to give me a hard time.
I hope you don't since I've been doing plenty of that myself just lately,the tough love just isn't working.
I've been drinking too much. It's like I'll want one drink but can't seem to stop at just one.
I think the correct term for me is a "binge drinker".
I'm worried that if I don't stop this behaviour,I will end up being an alcoholic though.
My trouble started with being out with friends or at a family occasion and drinking until I was totally drunk each time. This wasn't good but I wasn't going out too often so I wasn't too worried.
Now though,I have sometimes started buying bottles of wine and drinking them at home alone. Some weeks I can get through 4 bottles (4 nights drinking a whole bottle mixed with 3 nights drinking nothing).
Then other weeks I won't drink anything.
So,I think I may be on the slippery slope. But as I can go some time without drinking anything I think I can stop.
I have already resolved to stop drinking alone (if there's alcohol in my house,i'll want to drink it,so i'll simply stop bringing it into the house) but I'm worried that as soon as I go out socializing I will let myself down.
How can I go out with friends and family who are all drinking but avoid drinking myself?