
Tips to avoid drinking alcohol,worried about my health.

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When you read this,you may think that the answer is obvious and want to give me a hard time.

I hope you don't since I've been doing plenty of that myself just lately,the tough love just isn't working.

I've been drinking too much. It's like I'll want one drink but can't seem to stop at just one.

I think the correct term for me is a "binge drinker".

I'm worried that if I don't stop this behaviour,I will end up being an alcoholic though.

My trouble started with being out with friends or at a family occasion and drinking until I was totally drunk each time. This wasn't good but I wasn't going out too often so I wasn't too worried.

Now though,I have sometimes started buying bottles of wine and drinking them at home alone. Some weeks I can get through 4 bottles (4 nights drinking a whole bottle mixed with 3 nights drinking nothing).

Then other weeks I won't drink anything.

So,I think I may be on the slippery slope. But as I can go some time without drinking anything I think I can stop.

I have already resolved to stop drinking alone (if there's alcohol in my house,i'll want to drink it,so i'll simply stop bringing it into the house) but I'm worried that as soon as I go out socializing I will let myself down.

How can I go out with friends and family who are all drinking but avoid drinking myself?




  1. I would not give an answer that wasn't indeed a fact, so with that being said I will share with you a few things about myself. I was raised in a alcoholic family, Alcoholism is a disease, you are or you are not. You probably know the answer already. Tips to refrain from drinking, if it bothers you that people are around you drinking and you have trouble not participating well there is a good chance that you need to evaluate why you are not happy with alcohols absence. Drinking to get drunk, been there too, and it usually always stemmed from some emotional havoc i was dealing with, or not wanting to deal with. Know what I mean? Speak to a Doctor, try Alcoholics Anonymous, change your lifestyle, people, places. and things. That's where it all begins, facing the facts, only you know if you are an alcoholic. Try a meeting, there are many wonderful people in the rooms of A/A. There are also meds available today for the cravings related to alcohol abuse. Look inside yourself, dig deep, change what you can, regard the rest leaving no hindering guilt, and move onto another path if you are not pleased with the one you are on now. Don't waste precious time, Life is too Short, I wasted many, many years before dealing with life on life's terms, it is what we make it, God Bless, you are in my prayers.

  2. *tell your friends not to let you drink if you want one

    * drink non alcoholic drinks that are similar to the alcoholic ones you drink

    *reward your self the following day with something you like if you didn't drink, and punish yourself if you fail - ie putting $2 $5 $10 or what ever you can afford in a jar

    Hope this helps,

    Be strong :)

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