
Tips to being a great cornerback?

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so im pretty good at cornerback

ive got the speed, and coach already taught us some things.

but what would help me be a great cornerback? like some tips or things to remember while playing.




  1. when you get in a pile start grabbing for squirrel, it wont help you be a better corner but its alot of fun.

  2. Look for "tells" in your match-up.  In the way he leaves the huddle, the way he lines up, etc. Don't "overread" things, but do be constantly vigilant in your observations. Everybody has tells - whether you spot them in game film tendencies ahead of the game, or on the field.

    Keep a regular dialogue going with the outside linebacker on your side of the field.  Work out a verbal signal with him and the defensive end for who is blitzing and when so everyone is aware and can cover for each other and run inside/outside/overload blitz plays at a moment's notice when the opportunity arrives.

    Remind yourself of the down-and-distance before each play.  Remember the longer the distance to a first down/touchdown, the more drop the QB will take.  When he stops and sets up, you need to be poised to knock the ball down or intercept.

    When the receiver goes vertical for a ball, get one hand inside both of his arms and thrust your arm upward to make sure he drops the ball.  

    Remember, if the QB doesn't see you blitzing, he is virtually certain to be throwing the other way.  Make those rare opportunities to hit the QB really count.  Ring his bell.  But also note early what hand he holds the ball in on a deep drop.  It can help you generate a fumble if you catch him from behind - rather than only tackling him, create a turnover!

    During the season, if you're playing one night, and a key competitor/match-up is playing on a different night, go to the game and watch your man every play. Take notes on his tendencies.  

    When you get a chance to hit your man, hit so HARD he doesn't want to get hit again.  

    For pass plays coming across the middle of the field.  Once the ball is airborn, go head-hunting and blow that hot receiver up when he catches the ball.

    When your man blocks down on you - hit him so hard with a forearm shiver, that he thinks about it the next time.  One hand erupting up into his core, and the other coming up under his armpit.  Make it your goal - 100% of the time - to put him on the ground.  

    If you are rushing from the corner on PAT or FG attempts, take the shortest route to the ball, and like a hurdler, know exactly how many steps that is, and be conscious in observing whether the holder is right or left-handed, and facing you or facing away.

    Never be so far from the receiver that you can't cover the distance to him faster than the quarterback can cover the distance to him with the pass.  Never be so close to him that he can run up your feet and mow you down on his way to an easys touchdown either.

  3. Just know your coverages and your reads. Corner is the hardest position to play in my opinion and your mistakes are exposed worse than other positions. Remember to stay low in your backpedel and turn in the right direction. If you are playing tight get physical with the receiver and if you are playing off break quickly to the ball. In zone coverages COMMUNICATE! If the wide out is running a slant call it out so that the linebackers and safeties know someone is coming inside. If you see a screen call it out.  

  4. You must be mentally tough and resilient. Cornerback is out there all by himself, isolated against the receiver. The receiver has an upper hand because he knows the playcall and the route. The cornerback can only react to the receiver. You make one mistake and the result could be a long touchdown. But you have to pick yourself up and go play again. If you have self doubt, you can't play corner.  

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