
Tips to hit hard in football.?

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I am a freshman at a pretty small school. I way 210, squat about 290, bench about 210. This is my first year playing for this team. All the other teams i played for i hit pretty hard, but some ppl have been running there mouth and sayih=ng that i said that i can run everybody over so now they are all wanting to hit up with me. I want to show every single one of them that i can knock the h**l out of ALL of them. I just want some tips on where and how to lai somone out. THANKS




  1. Wow, you sure have nothing to worry about do you.

  2. I dunno, anyway, go the mighty AFL .

  3. Get low and throw yourself into them.

  4. jeez,,,ur buff

  5. The trick to really de-cleating another player is to hit them in a way to knock the wind out of them. That will really put them on the on the ground and leave them there. The other way is to give them a concussion by going for the head.

    So here is what you do.

    1. Hit with your shoulder to a spot just below the sternum.

    2. You want to be driving at an angle that is slightly up and into the other player.

    3. Once you make contact, STICK to the player till they are under you and ON THE GROUND.

    4. You get extra damage points if you hit fast and even more points if you hit him without him seeing you coming.

    Good way to practice this is to hit the blocking sled and MOVE IT!!! If you can move the sled up and down the field, you will really stagger your opponent.

  6. quit the game to protect your mind and body.  That will shock EVERYONE.

  7. Hey look I know I'm a girl but I still know some tips. Best to learn by watching the pros if you get a chance by watching TV or some top players around your area, and see if there's anything on YOUTUBE. Keep your shoulders low and drive into the BC? or whoever. Once you hit tackle, keep driving with all of your force at full strengh. Thrust downward as hard as you can so they pretty much get pounded into the ground. Good Luck=)

    PS the person Tony in front of me, sounds really right.

  8. hit the chest and lower chin of the other teams players, they will lose balence and you will easily knock them down

  9. throw far! takle! catch!

        Tip for throwing: lean back with the foot ball that is on the arm then you throw as far as you can! it really worked when I tried it.

    My friends is very good at throwing at football even tho they play soccer more than football.  You should really try the tip. It could help you throw far and quite high.         :D

                                 Just try the tip!

  10. Yeah, go the Swannies. It'll be great when they crush the Dogs next week. Rocket'll be filthy.

  11. While playing rugby I learned to go for the legs, specifically the thighs.  This results in tackle every time, doesn't matter how big or small the guy is he is going down.  Of course in rugby the take down is more important than hitting hard.  Give them h**l.

  12. watch their hips they can juke you out with everything but the CANNOT juke you with their hips also aim for the tender abdomen area as it makes you hunch when you get hit there but mostly watch their hips it will give you more accuracy which in turn makes harder hits harder

  13. Get on your grrr face.  I don't play football but all the guys in my school say to go for the legs but idk.  =D

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