
?Tips to how to land my axel?

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Can anyone give me some tips to how to land my axel?

Every time I attempt it I only land a single rotation and not the other half! Its really frustrating!

Thanks in advance=D




  1. Some good exercises are:  waltz jump loop jumps (both on and off ice), waltz jump into backscratch spin, and working on a jump harness with your coach.  Make sure your feet are crossed in the air and kick your free leg straight through while jumping off your toe pick.  Also, swing your arms straight through and snap your hips and point your toes in the air.

  2. I've been working on mine forever and it seems like I've heard everything before.  My coach makes me practice this weird exercise-

    Stand on your take off leg (probably your left leg) in a doorway that would lead to a hockey box.  Start with your right leg back, and swing it through like you were going for an axel.  When it comes in front of you, put the toe pick down in the hockey box, and spin to backwards with your left foot crossed over.

    But back spins help.  Waltz jump-back spins help.  Doing them off ice help.  But you can be creative and think of whatever you need to get in the back spin position.

  3. I landed my axel in about a month but don't worry if you get it like in a year.

    Depending on whether you are a clockwise skater(like me) or counterclockwise skater you should be over a side. Like for clockwise skaters you should be over your left side and for counterclockwise skaters you should be over your right side. This jump and the sal and toe is a change axis jump so you need to kick through and snap into a backspin postition.

    Also my coach helped me A LOT!!! Each time you don't land your axel go into a backspin and check out.Keep doing that. Trust me it works.

    Also practice TONS of waltz into backspin. Probably a lot of people have told you this but seriously is works so well. I did it for 2 hours straight on a public session and I landed my axel the next time I went skating

    This jump is also a lot about muscle memory. Practice A LOT off ice as well.  

    And you will fall, don't be scared to fall because you won't die but also ask your coach to practice with you on the harness.

    Good luck!!! You will get it!!!

  4. i now 2 ways

    1. practice on the ground this will improve it

    2. when your on the ice go into a pivit make on rotation  and jump and attemp the axel this should give u the feel of it

  5. the trick is to kick your knee up to jump upwards and get more height... the more height u get the easier it is to rotate and u have more time... then wen u land hold the arm which is on the same side as the leg u landed on up higher more and keep that shoulder up... that way you wont fall over on the landing edge.

    also make sure to keep your body and posture up AT ALL TIMES! this helps u balance

    oh and doing a really high waltz jump with the same set up as an axel and landing in a backspin helps too =]

    good luck and keep trying!!! =]

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