
Tips to make toddler drink medicine she doesn't like?

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Tips to make toddler drink medicine she doesn't like?




  1. make another concoction which look like her medicine and you drink the concoction while she drink hers and make her feel that is what adult do..

  2. make a game of it.......we always sang a song when we were younger...

    through the lips, over the gums, look out tummy, here it comes!!!

    then we got a drink of chocolate milk afterwards.  

  3. Reward her with something good ^_^!!

  4. I totally understand how you feel.

    When I was a kid, I loved taking medicine, but my brother hated it. The only way my mom could get him to take it was to lay him on his back, put her knees on his arms and sit on his legs, use one hand to open his mouth and one hand to pour it down his throat all while he was screaming and fighting. It sounds aweful, but his temp would be so high and she tried every other method possible. He could not be tricked.The dr said if she didnt find a way to get that med in him,  he would have to be hospitalized and hooked to an IV.

    I'd mix it with something she likes to drink, or pudding. Good Luck

  5. Maybe you should but it in like kool aid or something

  6. Poor it in pudding or something like that.Then mix it around

    It BARLEY changes the taste. Good luck!

  7. We used a syringe and made sure that we had something that she liked close by, After a while she would administer the medicine herself and a treat wasn't necessary as she worked out that the medicine helped her get better. Good luck hope she not sick for too long.

  8. Your stance has to be: taking meds is not really a choice, its something you have to do.  Rather than hiding it at all, you have to make them accept the fact they have to do it, and if not, you'll make them drink it.  What helps is the syringes, you can turn it into a fun thing, where they get to pull on the syringe (with your help) to get the med into the syringe.  Then you give them the choice of whether they drink the med themselves, or you help them.  (Be serious when you offer the its a really important job) You could also have a "special" cup that they can drink water from afterward that you ONLY use for this purpose (hide it in a special place at other times).  Also, explain to them (speaking at their level) what the medicine is for and why it is important to take.  Explain that EVERY time you give them medicine so they understand what they are ingesting and why.  

    And if all this fails to convince your little one...well you gotta be the big bad mean Parent and make them drink.  This is where you get to learn the age old saying "This hurts me more than it will hurt you" is very true.  What you don't ever want to do (verbally or otherwise) is make them think they have a choice of not drinking it if it is necessary for them to take meds.  That means you have to convince yourself also that your child has no other choice.  If you hold true to this stance, it doesn't get immediately easier, but will pay off in the future.  Good luck.

  9. Honestly? Bribery. It's one of the very few times it's appropriate. When she's drunk it, she can have a few sweeties, or some chocolate.

  10. Use a syringe, cradle your daughter's head in the crook of your arm and squirt the medicine to the side of her mouth.  Don't hold her head back too far, or she will choke.  Some kids really resist, and it becomes a two-man job.  The point is, she needs to know she has to drink it, no choice.  Try to make the process short and snappy and follow it up with a drink of something she likes (poured in advance, let her choose what she wants).

  11. Mix it in with her favorite drink  

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