
Tips to play fly half?

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Im 17 years old, about 130 pounds and decently fast. My coach is thinking of putting me at fly but i need to get better at tackling and passing. Any tips? Or anything else I should/need to have down perfect? ive seen my fly halfs play and they've all been tall, lanky, fast and good at everything but this is only my 2nd year and he'd want me to start so i wont have the same experiance that they would... Any suggestions?




  1. practice catching the ball before it hits the ground when th eopposite team kicks it forward

  2. The fly half needs to be thinking and leading more than anyone else on the pitch.  Before you get the ball you should know exactly what you will do with that, and your entire back line should know what you are going to do with it.  You need to learn how to call plays for your backs, read and test the other teams defense and be able to adjust throughout the game to the other teams strengths and weaknesses.  If you can't run it through or around their back line then try a kick and go get play, if they have one week winger then kick it to him or run it to him every time.  You call the plays so if they have a weakness you exploit it.  Also if you're playing at a somewhat low level of rugby you need to take control of your backs and make sure they are positioned where they should be, offense and defense.  I think there are videos and books that you can look into that will teach you the fine points of playing fly half.  I played fly half for my university for 4 years so e-mail me if you have any random questions or concerns.

  3. 2 be a good first five eight or fly half you must be a safrican they the only ones that call it the fly half work on your ball handling skills catching and passing  catching and passing try  to develop a long pass and try to develop speed in your passing  practice kicking and wen you practice concentrate on the length of the kicks  as well as practicing the big garry owen(the up and under or bomb kick) as well as chip kicks grubbers the spencer kick (banana) if your really skilled its a bonus if you can kick well off both legs  for your defence you just have to  tackle and tackle fowards love running at the first five eight    the first five is the director they call the backline   and put the kicks in when   they have too
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