
Tipsarevic insults all female tennis players and the entire WTA Tour.. What are you thoughts?

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I am not sure if anyone has heard of his comments before but I just found out about this. This is what he said:

“99% of male tennis players can’t stand women’s tennis. There’s no other sport with such a big disparity concerning level of play and the money women make. A friend of mine says that a woman who wins a Slam should only earn enough money to pay for her airplane ticket home. Who knows what else I would say if it wasn’t for Ana and Jelena whom I may consider friends. But of course, I appreciate the effort they’re putting into tennis, because I know they practise as hard as I do. [...] The way women think on court cannot be compared to men. Their only strategy is ‘hit the ball where your opponent isn’t.’ Nothing more! No ‘Put more spin on the ball, this is an important point, play to her backhand’. No way! [...] It’s that such kind of tennis works today. Look at the Williams sisters, Sharapova or Ivanovic who hits the ball like a truck on steroids. I get a bit critical when I see how much the women earn and how their opening rounds go. That’s what irritates me the most, I feel like going to WTA HQ and *something* all of them. Look at Federer who is so dominant, he has to work so hard to beat a Staracce or an Almagro, he may even lose a set and then look at Sharapova or Ivanovic who lose 3 games in the first 4 rounds. It makes me sick”.

I believe he made these comments sometime before or after Wimbledon this year. Quite frankly I find his comments to be morally reprehensible and downright insulting to all female tennis players, and to women all over. What do you guys think? Does he even have a point? Maybe it is just me, but there is just something about all the Serbian players that rubs me the wrong way. Does anyone feel the same way? Or is it just a Serbian cultural trait to be this ignorant and arrogant?




  1. I think he is a big idiot. He sounds like a constipated hippo when he hits the ball and he never wins. If he thinks he is so good why doesn't he challenge one of the top 5 women to a match? I bet he would get his but kicked. Those comments are insulting, rude, inconsiderate, and unaccurate. I love watching womens tennis. I find it very entertaining. I saw Isner play Karlovic at the pilot pen and it was the most boring match i have ever seen. It was constant serve and volleying. They had one ralley that was 13 shots and the rest was garbage. Then I saw Agnes Szavay play and she was amazing. It was much better then the men't match before it. Womens tennis is awesome and Tipsarevic is such an ugly monster.  

  2. Who is he to question how hard the women have to work to earn their money just because of the number of sets they play? Just because he continually gets beat by the better male players in the top10 and he's not winning as much money as the Williams sisters, Sharapova, and others doesn't mean they don't deserve every reward they get for their hard work. I find women's tennis to be just as exciting to watch as men's tennis. He seemed like a nice guy and I realize that he had it tough in Serbia but that doesn't give him the right to say something so stupid and ignorant about female tennis players. If he knows so much about how women play then maybe she should get a s*x change and play on the WTA and see if they all hit the ball where their opponents aren't and watch him gets destroyed by somebody like Serena Williams who from what I hear was squashing his buddy's Djokovic's serve like they were flies at the Hopman cup earlier this year LOL . I used to think he was a cool guy and had potential to shake up the top 10 but now I don't even care for him much anymore because I have zero respect for someone who makes sexist comments like that. I'm a female tennis player who practices five days a week and I've worked hard to develop my game and I'm going to turn professional next year and I don't appreciate somebody insulting female tennis players in such way that has no real merit. If he's going to say things like that about the female players then as a female player myself he's insulting me also. What he said is just a big pile of b***s**t, he needs to get his ego in check and sit down and watch a women's match before he judges it so harshly.

  3. To be quite honest I think he should be penalized for spouting this kind of rubbish. It shows a complete lack of respect and sportsmanship and that from a professional tennis player. On top of that its obviously sexist and yeah, he does insult the whole of the WTA Tour. But all things aside this is nothing new from him, he has made similarly retarded comments before and to be honest by now it just comes across to me as either a really bitter mediocre pro who has to vent his own frustration or a prejudice r****d, probably a little of both. Wasting too much time discussing his ape comments is something he doesn't deserve.

  4. i like watching men's than women's tennis.  it's just more thrilling!  and there are a lot of goodlooking male tennis players!

    however, i dont agree that female tennis players should receive any less than what they are receiving now.  i think that all of them work as hard as any male tennis players, so they deserve the same prize money, regardless of how many sets they have played to win the match.

    he's just probably frustrated that he's earning less with so much effort.  he just has to accept that he's living in a world where there is a federer, nadal and djokovic.  he definitely has to work hard to earn more.  

    if he's really concerned about the money, maybe he should join the wta.  maybe he'll be number one coz he believes he has better strategy than the top female players.  he obviously thinks he can beat them.  but then, he would have to wear short skirts/dresses/shorts!

  5. He sounds like a complete idiot. Women's tennis is amazing and involves alot of strategy.

  6. In all honesty good for him, he said what most guy players are thinking.  Now I never played at his level, but at the college level it is the same and in junior tennis.  Women's tennis is boring.  It is like the WNBA...  Ya they are decent at what they do, but compared to what the guys can do it is just plain boring.  I avoid women's tennis like the plague, especially if there are other things to do (watch grass grow, stare at the sun, read the dictionary, etc).  I wouldn't be so bitter if Title IX didn't exist :-)

  7. I just happen to be the biggest  Janko Tipsarevic fan on Earth!!! These remarks are kind of bad. On the other hand, he is somewhat right, and  I'm not just saying this because I'm a fan of his. I do prefer men's tennis to women's, there is more skill involved and the rallies are better. Before I believe you, I would like you to prove that he actually said this. Where did you find this?

    On the whole, Janko Tipsarevic is the opposite of arrogance. He is an extremely humble person. I might not be right, but I don't think you have seen him enough during his matches or on his interviews. You can't judge a person by one statement that they make. Janko Tipsarevic grew up when Serbia was was a war stricken country. His family only made enough money to buy a few vegetables a week. He started tennis and actually got good at it. His father pulled all of his money out of his pocket and made him a pro. He was the number one junior in the world and he won the junior Austrailan Open. I posted a link to the interview where he states most of this information, but turn your volume up and listen carefully because it is kind of hard to hear.

  8. It sounds like he has a pathetic hatred of women.That kind of mean spirited nonsense goes beyond simple ignorance.

    I've heard he reads Nietzsche.Save us from pseudo intellectuals.

    I think someone in authority needs to to have a serious talk with him.

    What kind of sport allows it's players to vent this kind of noxious tantrum,and get away with it?This really can be damaging to the sport.It certainly makes him look like a world class jerk.

    I do think some of the male players have hostility towards the female players.They seem to have a childish macho embarrassment that they are in a sport where women get so much attention.

    It's like they want to rub shoulders with the bully boys in contact sports.I'm sorry fools like this ever pick up a racket.

    I do think there should be some real repercussions for him.I think his sponsorships should drop him.

    He is with Tecnifibre,and Fila.I think they need to get some heat about him.

  9. He may have gotten some things lost in translation, but even the sentiment is not one of those things that should be spouted to the public.  

    He likes Ana and Jelena, because he knows how hard they work... it might stand to reason that other female players work just as hard.

    Yes, the men's game is more physical, and maybe even more strategic, but I have seen some nail biting 3 setters from women's tennis (particularly when Henin was not retired or when the Williams sisters or Lindsey Davenport were playing each other in almost every final).  

    I haven't seen enough of Tipsarevic to indicate he does anything more than try to hit the ball where the opponent isn't.  I would also suggest politically incorrect drivel and rants need to be from a source that can put up or shut up (so far Tipsarevic has not shown he can consistently put up).

    I also think that the arguement against equal pay is just plain silly.  In professional sports, the athlete is not paid for how hard he or she works.  They are paid for the revenue they bring to the sport.  There are some gorgeous women on that court that sell tickets... if they are the money-makers, they should be getting the money too.

    Honestly, if earnings were tied to effort in professional sports, Randy Moss owes the Oakland Raiders some serious cash.

    PS - Tipsarevic is the only Serbian I know who has shown any arrogance or ignorance (and that is exclusive to the subject interview).

  10. Men and women are different. It cannot be denied that men are a lot stronger than women. I find those comments made by Tipsarevic insulting. I think he's arrogant & a sexist. He's not even at the peak of his career yet & he's already like that. He's not even the best player in the ATP.

    The best players in the ATP do not make those kind of comments. Look at Federer or Nadal. They're down to earth and kind. That's how a champion should act!!

  11. WOW! after reading that I have NO RESPECT for him. That is insulting, they work there butt off probably harder than him.

    I think he is jelouse because Williams, jankovic, ivanovic, sharapova make more money and have a better carrerr than him. Look at his carrerr compared to theirs.

    HAHA he is a freak and needs a life

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