
Tired, bad headaches, abdominal pain, shoulder, leg, arm and joint pain..what is wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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Please don't tell me just to go to the doctor, I'm going next week..what do you think I have?

I'm 15, and a bit scared..




  1. Go to the Doctor Do Not just sit there in pain and wait for Yahoo world people to answer when in fact we all have different answers that may not even help you. so go...for yourself and get well

  2. Please try not to worry. You could have something as 'normal' as the flu, with fever. Or, if you're pretty sure you don't, then it sounds like a post-viral infectious arthritis. Rheumatoid infection secondary to a virus is another possiblity. Both are well-known and can be addressed without any problem. If you are constantly tired, and have been for some time even before these other symptoms turned up, then Eppstein-Barr virus is another possibility. Again, all are well understood and can be addressed effectively.

    Keep up your fluid intake. If fever is present, take Tylenol for the pain and fever. Try and have a few smallish meals often when treating your fever, rather than skipping meals or eating three mains a day. Six small serves of chicken soup through the day is good to ward off aches and pains caused by fever.

    I wish you a recovery to full health soon. Please keep your doctor's appointment :)

  3. sounds like your stressed out , good luck at the doc's

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