
Tired after sports day!?

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It was sports day a few months ago and I had to run 300m

I came 7th so dont make fun of me =(

After the race I couldnt breathe properly and I couldnt even walk much, I drank a lot of water and I felt a tiny, tiny bit better. I dont have asthma and Im 13 years old, my weight is 42kg and my height is 5ft3.

The day after the sports day my leg muscles and ribs were aching and I couldnt run properly and was too weak to do anything. This happened for 4 days and then I started to recover only slightly. I eat healthily everyday (mum's asian food) and in primary school i was a fast runner.

Can anyone tell me why I was so extremely tired and why my ribs and muscles hurt (they still are hurting a bit)

Any exercises to make them better or something and how shall I improve my fitness so that next year I can (hopefully) come second or first.




  1. You probably strained your muscles. Your ribs probably don't hurt it's probably more of either the muscles that keep them in place or possibly anything inbetween (ex: lungs, diaphram, etc.) You should do stretches to releive pain in aywhere it hurts, for places like your chest you should just pretty much let it relax, it's probably just sore from such a jolt of physical energy. Your lungs take in oxygen to give you energy, sometimes if you overdo taking in oxygen to, like in your case, to win a race it'll probably be sore from all the use it had to provide.

    You should do excersises daily as well as stretches, you pretty much just need to wait out the pain. Doing stretches will limber your muscles making them more flexible and and more loosened which actually makes you run faster. As well as daily excercises go you need to make sure you do some basic excercises like jogging in place or just jogging or jumping jacks, or kicking a target, etc. anything else that involves your legs as an excercise. The best way to get your muscles to feel better after a lot of use is having them used and used again but not as toughely. It provides your muscles with a workout and it probably shouldn't hurt anymore after a couple days because your muscles would have been used regularly which should hold off the pain.

    If nothing works take an asprin or tylonol or some kind of drug for your chest pain to numb it out. If it doesn't work and your muscles don't stop hurting I suggest seeing a doctor because you may have pulled or dislocated a bone or mucle. And if it was in your chest cavity that can be very dangerous due to the many vital organs and muscles that rest in the chest area.

    As for running the long distances again, you must practice everyday. The reason I guggested more use of your muscles even when they hurt it because your body is showing you that your muscles are not used to doing that much and using that much energy and if you plan to get second or first coming from SEVENTH place then you need to have your body accoustumed to running such long and energyconsuming races, if they aren't accoustomed to it by you doing excercises for running you can say goodbye to first, second, third, or maybe even fourth and fifth place next year.

    Make sure your legs are used more, stretch ALOT, make sure there's nothing wrong with your chest (take medicine if needed), and better train yourself for next year, good luck!

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