
Tired of Obama already?

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I live in Australia but from the news reports we get you wouldn't know it. It's all about this Obama bloke and it's been like this for over a year now.....and he's not even president!!! Is this just an obvious conspiracy to cover up for the current president, who we never hear anything about anymore???? Either way aren't you completely sick and tired of Obama, if not American politics generally?




  1. G'day,  d**n I was hoping to get away for the Obama BS for a while and heading to Australia for a bit, but I guess you can't even get away from his c**p by going down under.

  2. APPLAUDING APPLAUDING APPLAUDING ~I am seriously thinking of moving to Australia you bloke's are so AWESOME ;~)

    Heres to you!!! Cheers  

  3. Sick of him? It's not his fault the campaign season is so long! Um when presidential elections are going, there is a LOT of coverage on the candidates. The current president is a lame duck and people are sick of covering him because he does not really matter anymore.

  4. I think you should get on the Obama bandwagon.  Has Australia said anything bad about America lately?  Do you have any oil over there?  Any Muslims?  (Other than Bin Laden because Bush/McCain doesn't care about him even though he attacked us on 9/11.)  I remember those Australians beat some Americans in swimming in the Olympics.  McCain and the Republicans are going to need to find another country to attack to get our minds off the wrecked economy, so watch out if McCain wins.  He has a very bad temper and gets angry very easily.  I'm sure you guys must be enrching uranium, if not the Republicans will just say you are so it doesn't matter.  Then McCain will attack.

    If it gets cold a lot over there, you might want McCain to win because then the increased global warming will help you out.

  5. No we are not sick of him.  We ARE sick of bush, and the last eight years that have dragged our country down.  

    He gives me hope for the country.  Trust me when I say that Bush was the WORST.  Even worse then John Howard, and that is hard to do.

  6. That's ALL I ever hear about. From the news (TV and newspaper), magazines, popular culture (Hollywood, musicians), billboards, advertisement. You name it, Obama's face or name has been in it, and it's so sickening!!!

    Now McCain receives only a fraction of the coverage, and the libs claim there is no liberal bias in the media....

  7. Mr. Australia, if you are tired of Obama, get up from in front of your TV set and get busy doing something else. I am sure there is some work that you could be doing somewhere. You must NOT be tired of hearing about Obama if you are asking a question about him. People are going to send you responses/comments about him, which means you really aren't tired of hearing about him, huh?  

  8. I have been for a year.  

  9. h**l no we are not tired of hearing about Obama.  You should be sitting by your t.v., radio, cell phone, whatever so that you can hear more about him.  Get it together!!  This man is going to make a difference and you should want that.  If you are happy with the last 8 years, you need to get yourself to the nearst hospital and get checked out.  

  10. Nope, I'm tired of the mindless media ...but the man is fascinating and inspiring.

  11. i was tired of him a long time ago. cnn, msnbc, cbs and abc are pandering to the liberal elites. that's why it seems as if he is on the news all the time and nothing else.  

  12. Sweetheart what we are tired of is the way the republican party has been running our country, and of course of Bush. The American people need a change and what we are hoping and praying for is that Obama will the next President to make the change. To some of us he is the American dream. That a boy from a single mother can become and inspiration to many of us gives us hope for many families. That is just one small reason of why. It is time for the us to give the Democratic party a try.

  13. I was tired of that BS artist from day one!

  14. Yep!

  15. Bush's popularity in the states is so low, not many want to hear from him.  Too close to elections, all he does is vent his opinions anyway. I just finished watching the Democratic National Convention on every major channel.  I'm white, & not tired of listening at this time in the game.  I'm also Democrat, waiting to hear who McCain chooses as VP.  I will be following both closely until the elections are over.  I do understand what you mean, my broadcasting comes out of Minnesota, I live in Wisconsin.  I constantly hear about governor Pawlenty, nothing about my state governor.    

  16. Obama is like any other Celebu-Tard out there.

    Like when a movie star farts in public, the whole country has to hear about it for a week!

    Obama is like that annoying squeal coming from my car everyday.


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