
Tired of being treated this way!!!?

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Ok i am sick and tired of people thinking im stupid and dumb. I am a straight a student, 4.0 average, in National Junior Honors Society and people think im a dumb blonde! I AM NOT and i just ann punch everyone in the face when they call me dumb! They think because i take a little longer to understand things, and i am a blonde means i am dumb!!

How do i prove im not when im already doing my best school work?




  1. hi, actually honey im just like you in the school when i get the highest mark everyone gossip or call me names. so i calm myself by this "NOBODY WINS WITHOUT A LOSER"  so dear , dont be sad , cause they are all lookin at   you and jealous and bite their nails cause they r not as smart as u r , so just hold on and they all want u to feel depressed , dont make them win , and when they told you" you are dumb" , i guess that u should repeat " but honey , if im dumb then u r dumberererererer!!, so we are dumb and dumber!!"""

    dnt waste ur time on them , THEY R just LOSERS !!!!

  2. laura were blonde together babe! and we arent stupid we just act it!

  3. I understand where you are coming from in wanting to prove yourself to others but should it matter what they think?

    It should not, but it really does matter .Especially when you know that your not, who they think you are. The thing is, you have to learn to ignore their remarks, its easier said than done, but what will it profit you if you continue to take them on? It will just make you more fustrated. Know who you are, believe in the person that you are, continue working hard, and no matter what they say, what you know about yourself should be enough. Alot of times, the people that are saying  you are dumb, is not half as intelligent as you are, because if they were, don't you think, that they would be doing something better with their time, than judging you wrongfully?

  4. i can understand what your trying to say and i can imagine how annoying it could be cause i used to be the same way.

    i guess the general answerwould be to just simply prove them wrong ya know? but i cant really say i didnt that though, i usually just came up with a witty remark to make em feel  dumb lol

    make sure though at the end of the day you can take solace in the fact that youll make something of yourself when the majority of them probubly will end up in some sh*tty dead end job

    Good luck to ya =)

  5. I totally agree with you. I am not blonde, but I am smart and my best friend is a blonde, and she is SUPER smart, like you. I would just advise you to ignore them. I mean, honestly, when you think about it, it's just a stupid stereotype, and they're the stupid ones for thinking that a hair color can effect your smartness/intelligence... tell them that ;-)

    Good Luck!

  6. Next time someone refers to you as a dumb blonde, be like "Umm yeah because a dumb blonde would have a 4.0 average..Don't you think I would be a little too busy at the mall to be able to maintain a 4.0 average if i was a dumb blonde?"

    And besides, who cares what they think, it's just another stupid stereotype. And you know yourself that your not dumb since you are doing so well in school. People that still think your a dumb blonde when your in the National Junior Honors Society are the dumb ones.

  7. You shouldn't have to prove anything to anyone - as long as you know it, that's all that matters....besides you're smarter than them, right?

  8. A friend of mine had that problem. She was a tall, blonde model, with a 4.0 GPA at a good university who went on to a top law school. She's had to combat that "dumb blonde" perception her whole life. Know that it does get a lot better once you're at university instead of in high school.

    It's a stereotype, and as such, it's stupid, but there's little you can do to change the world's perceptions of blondes. But what you can do is, as others suggested, continue *being* smart, and don't worry so much about what others think. Ideally, come up with a very short one liner, preferably something funny, to say when they talk to you like that.

    Know what my friend used to do? She actually got reading glasses, to make her look smart. Oddly, beautiful blondes in reading glasses suddenly look beautiful AND smart in the eyes of the clueless. I know it's silly that she had to change her own appearance, but fact is, it works.

  9. Why do you need to prove anything to anyone?  If they think you're dumb, so what?  Don't let it get to you, I don't care what others think of me.

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