I have nothing against Karate, I enjoyed it when I was young, however I think that it's about time that Judo (and any other martial art) got noticed (amoung the average/general audience).
Wouldn't it be great if a child saw a Judo display (like the one I helped at the weekend with) and his mother said 'look, they are doing Judo', instead of 'oh look see that's called Karate'.
I believe that Judo has more and more potential to be noticed by a greater varied audience out there.
Just a thought that I would like to share, i'm only one person though and would have no idea how to really promote Judo to a high level, raise awareness (I can do that in a local area, but I am no business man).
What are your views? Think it's about time the art of Judo got its recognition?
Plus the more people are aware (and even interested) in Judo, the more fighters we may have in the future - thus creating more opportunities for Judo to be truly realized.