
Tired of people complaining about minimum wage!?

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I'm so sick of hearing people complain about minimum wage needing to go up. I'm sick of underqualified people making a huge stink about not being able to support their families, pay their mortgage and pay their bills. Minimum wage was never meant for that purpose. People who have gone to college and actually EARN higher paying jobs are slowly seeing the pay gap closing. Most people I talk to are thinking that there is no point in ever going to college, since minimum wage will eventually be $20 an hour. Why should the person taking my order at the drive-through make any more than $5 an hour, since they can't speak English and can't ever even seem to get an order right?




  1. I like your theory but not everyone can go to college and must struggle their whole life.  Educated people deserve more and should be paid accordingly.

  2. Yeah, how dare people try to eat and have families and live a happy life with out going to school. Stupid people.

  3. Have you ever had to live on minimum wage? You cannot get ahead if you are stuck at the bottom deary. Its called working poor for a reason. If you got a lot you going get a lot. Just ask Dubba Bush, our genius in office. The other news flash is I see a lot of people with college degrees ending up working in those same jobs with minimum wage jobs or just as bad with  those who never went to college, due to heavy slump in the economy, may it be that they need a little extra on the side cause what they have is not enough (due to raising gas, food and other living expenses), their degree is not in high demand or became obsolete, or they got downsized cause their employer finally found an excuse to down size them. The economy is really bad right now and if you are not careful, you may end up being one of those people I see in security begging their employer for a 30 cent raise. Its not so easy to judge when it happens to you.

    However I believe when minimum wage goes up, so does cost of living. I firmly believe instead of higher wages, why not cut the income tax down a bit more? Let people keep what they earn I say.,. You would be surprised how far 200 bucks will go if the IRS would keep their damned paws off of people's pay checks..

  4. You only say that because probably you were in college. So don't complain. Since the economy is getting worse, they have to increase the wages so the people can pay for their bills, and this has made the dollar's be more less worth.

  5. I totally have to work hard/smart to make it and an education is priceless.

    I do think the min wage should be raised b/c compared to everything else going on with the economy it isn't balanced.

  6. I have never "HAD" to work for the minimum wage. I have chosen to on occasion but only until I learned the skills required on that job to demand a higher wage.

    Unfortunately, most Americans have never had the sense to stand on principle for anything, and the idea of standing up for themselves is as foreign to most as is the concept of self government.

    But everyone knows you're just an evil, greedy, spoiled white person; a closet slave-master who feeds off the backs of the proletariat! (Me too!)

    Workers of the world, untie!

  7. Wait so you think that people should just stay poor and have to live paycheck to paycheck? If you ever get fired and have to work a minimum wage job to survive  do you think you would still believe that?

  8. The whole concept of a minimum wage is really a smoke screen.  It makes people feel good for a little while, but it really won't improve their standard of living.

    Business will simply raise their prices to offset the increased cost of labor.  If you get a 10% raise, but cost increase by 10% are you really any better off?

    The only way a minimum wage law would work is if it's tied to the price of some staple commodity.  Make the minimum wage a variable rate based on the price of gas, bread, a gallon of milk.. then you'll have something.

  9. That is why I am always preaching to my kids to do their best in school so they can go to a good college and get a good job.  Prices are only going to get higher and without a good education, you can't really get a good job.

  10. I agree! I did not go to college but have a nice job. Society is set up to give the advantage to the intelligent and those who already have money. If you have an IQ of less than 100 than you should be happy making 5$ an hour because you are just a pointless idiot taking up space and resources from those who actually contribute to society.

    I think there should be a minimum IQ requirement for procreation. You all better be glad I'm not in charge of this world.

  11. Oh yes - let them eat cake if they have no bread!

  12. I agree with you 100%. People who don't try in school don't get good jobs and complain about it. It's their fault they didn't try to get into a nice school or something.

  13. You "earned" nothing. Other people paid for you to go to college.  And obviously wasted their money.

    There is only one kind of person who gripes about the minimum wage--a businessperson who is so incompetent he/she can't run a business well enough to pay workers a decent wage.

    You, on the other hand., clearly aren't worth even $5/hour. What little skill a minimum worker has they did earn--usually by learning on the job. You did nothing but sit on yur butt in a comfortable classroom for a few years. I repeat--you earned NOTHING.

  14. AMEN!

    The work ethic of America has been ruined by the minimum wage. There's no incentive to bust your butt because you know you can go get another job in 10 seconds making the same money.

    However, if you were hired in at $1.00/hour and had to prove some value before making $7.00/hour, you'd have a reason to work hard. If you paid the slackers the $1.00/hour they deserve, you could pay your hard workers $15.00/hour. Instead everyone gets the same $7.00 hour, so there's no incentive to do more than show up.

    BTW - Only a fraction of a percent of the people on minimum wage are the main breadwinner for their family. If they are, they are getting government supplemental income (food stamps and other programs).

    Minimum wage hurts the working poor. When minimum wage goes up, that business must raise their prices. So when you pay that grocery store clerk more, the food costs more. When you pay the McDonalds grill worker more, a Big Mac costs more. When you pay the 7-11 guy more, they must charge more for gas.

    Raising minimum wage hurts the poor the most.

  15. As the dollar decreases in value and prices on consumer goods rise, minimum wage needs to rise too. Do you know that Federal minimum wage is $5.85?!? That's INSANE. Even working 40 hours per week you'd only bring home $234.00 per week. Multiply that by 52 weeks in a year and you'd bring home a mere $12,168.00. How is anyone supposed to live on that, let alone get AHEAD? If you HAVE to work 40 hours per week, how are you supposed to go back to school to finish your education to make more money? You can't. You're out of touch with reality if you think you can.

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