
Titanic 2 is it real?

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is titanic 2 real because if it is can any one tell me how or wher to whatch it




  1. Yes it is, it was scheduled to set sail in early 2004, read about it in boating magazine.  it was built 60 foot longer as the original, and with up to date electronics.

    You will have to talk with a travel  coordinator about where to see it.

  2. WOW

    I guess it set sail before anyone knew?


    How did it do that?

  3. no no no........not real. Wild plans were talked about way back when but everyone realized no one wants to sail on a replica of the most famous shipwreck ever, and a boat designed for the North Atlantic in 1910 would be hopelessly out of the market in the Caribbean in 2007.....the Explorer class and the Queen Mary II  for example are three times as big as Titanic.

    and so no one came up with the $400,000,000 it would take to build a replica...even 60 foot longer and to 2007 safety  and comfort standards.

    The only ships out there today that look even vaguely like the old ocean liners are the Disney Magic and her sister (name?)

    and the QM II. All the rest look like condos or hotels at sea.
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