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why are they not allowed to take nothing else from down there?




  1. As I understand it there is a gentleman's agreement not to remove anything more from the Titanic. This was in part down to the actions of Bob Balard who was of the opinion that the Titanic was being raped by treasure hunters. It was not that long ago that it was possible to purchase coal from the Titanic as it had been salvaged from the ship.


  2. Ballard was right

    leave them where they lay

    its like a war grave, may they rest in peace.

  3. When Ballard and Michel discovered the wreckage, they should have applied for salvage rights, which would have given them total control over whether or not things can be removed from the site. I read an interview with Ballard, and he said that while they agreed other teams should be able to dive on the site, they were hoping others would have a similar sense of respect for what it is, which is essentially a massive graveyard and final resting place of approximately 1500 people.

    Unfortunately, there is a company which secured salvage rights. I tried to follow the whole thing when it was going on, but I don't understand the maritime laws which are involved. It gets very complicated when a wreck is in international waters. The company has brought up items. I have actually seen some of the things they have salvaged. If they are not bringing things up right now, I don't know the reason. Either they have decided to leave it alone for now, or someone has gone to court and blocked them somehow.

    Personally, as it is essentially the resting place of so many people, I think it should be given the same respect as any other mass burial place. They should leave it alone. Was it interesting to see wine bottles still full of wine, and china with Titanic's name on it? Yes, it was. But they have salvaged a lot of stuff, and they need to leave it alone now, at least in my opinion.

    The only other thing I know is that Ballard regrets not securing the salvage rights. He has stated he would prefer that nothing be removed from the site. He has no opposition to other teams going down and studying the debris field or the physical remains of the ship for better understanding of what happened, but to him, it's a sacred grave site and should be treated that way.

  4. Every time a submarine goes to the Titanic- or any other wreck for that mater- they bring down oxygen by stirring up the water.  The oxygen causes the steel to rust far faster than just leaving it alone.

    This is a relativly new discovery- and the Monitor is being used to come up with ways to avoid this kind of damage

  5. They dont want to disturbe the peace

  6. I think its considered a grave and that anything else would be grave robbing, though of course that may not be the real reason. I wish they would leave well alone, 1500 people lost their lives on it and consider that she should be respected for that reason.

  7. bronwen is spot on

  8. I noticed there's a company who will lay wreaths and crosses on the titanic now, I guess money can be still made even if they leave the treasures down there.

  9. We respect the dead and maybe there was some insurance corruption and the whole sinking was set up to claim the insurance and they do not want to let us know the real cause of the sinking.

    Maybe the ice berg thing was made up !

    Maybe the great ancestor of Geaorge Bush paid the taliban to blow it up but then they decided to cash in the insurance.

    Or maybe they short sold the shipping company shares.

    Murky secrets, but let the poor souls who died rest in peace !

  10. The problem is it is now in danger of collapsing altogether.We dont need to add anymore losses of life to the TITANICs death toll,PAX.
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