
Title and Artist - Snooker World Championship Theme Tune Up to 2004/5?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know who performed the original theme tune to the opening sequence from the Snooker World Championships?

I'm referring to the 'original' tune that was used up until about 2004 ~ 2005. The guitar/metal tune.

I'd like to know what the tune is called? and who originally performed it?

Does anyone know where I could buy it?

This question has been bugging me for at least a couple of years - so there's a chance to earn 10 points if you know the answer(s).?

Someone suggested Pink Floyd - is this correct?




  1. Was "Drag Racer" and was written and performed by a guitarist called Doug Wood

    you can hear it on youtube and if you use Mozilla Firefox you can download it using the video plugin.

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