
Title for teachers...?

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would it be right to tell my students to call me Ms. Jean rather than Ms. and then my last name? thing is, my last name is quite long and hard to pronounce so i thought that it would be better if they call by my first name, but with a Ms.

do you say ms. then the first name in your country?

note: i teach in a non-english speaking country.




  1. I think it also depends on the age of your students. If they are older students, I think they should be required to use your last name. But if they're younger, last names can be hard! My 1st graders call me Miss and then my first name, because my last name is too hard, too. I think it's okay for younger students.

  2. How about Ms.  first initial of last name?

  3. well in the us is the title then the last name (not first) if it is hard to pronounce then it would be ok for the students to use the first name

  4. The problem with Ms. Jean is that it is easy for students to start assuming that it is acceptable to call adults by their first names, and you may be undoing years of training to the contrary by their parents.  I agree that Ms. L. would be better, or Ms. (shortened version of your last name).  I would find out what the conventions are at your school.  I would guess that you aren't the only one with this problem.  

    In my experience in the U.S., Ms. (first name) is used with preschool teachers and those who teach non-school classes, such as dance teachers.  I have had a few colleagues who did this, but only if their first names were also so unconventional that no one realized that this was what they were calling the teacher.
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