
Title for this poem, please?

by  |  earlier

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for my english class we have to write a "poem" about ourself, set up just like this


(description) Fun, Happy, Athletic

(likes) Summer, Food, Friends

(dislikes) My job, Science, Gym

(movies we like) The Notebook, Anywhere but Here, Juno

(fears) Heights, Spiders, Change

(fave things about school) Friends, Lunch, Clothing Class

(change for this year) Beter Grades

(wants to visit) Stockholm, Sweden

the problem is, i need a title!

i have no clue, and it needs to be "creative"

can you help me!?

thanks if you can :)




  1. Just Rebecca

    The Secret Life of Rebecca

  2. The perfect being

  3. 1.Who am I? ,

    2.Becca,Becca ,Rebecca

  4. do you go to middle school?! If you do, it's me ANita!!!!

  5. An Insight to My Soul.

  6. The simple me

  7. "Mushrooms."

    Why not? Just flip through a dictionary, close your eyes and point to a random word.

    Maybe..."Floccinaucinihilipilification... You'll have fun trying to say that one.  

  8. how about

    -the little things

    -maybe ur favorite quote since the poem is about you


    -Name: Rebecca (first line of ur poem is always good)



    hope this helps. My personal favorite is either the quote or i really like components becuase the poem is all the components of your life that make you who you are. good luck!

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