
Tmobile Sidekick LX?

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is it newer, better, and smaller then the Tmobile Sidekick?

Is it better?




  1. it's not newer

    it's better it just look more sleek and nice

    it's a little bit bigger the 2008 is the slide except for the swivel

    and the lx features but still looks cheap and small screen..

  2. The sidekick LX is the older phone. The newest phone as someone said is the Sidekick 2008.  This sidekick seems to be better and has more features on it too. I would recommend getting this phone.

  3. No, the LX came out in the fall of 2007. The newest Sidekick that just came out last month is the one called just "T-Mobile Sidekick." It's a little smaller than the LX and is a lot like it only cheaper.  

  4. In my opinion the LX is better it has way more features and has a swivel screen... but the only problem is that the screen is pretty small for a big fone. O ya.. its newer
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