
To All Ex-Zygotes: Giving The Right to Life?

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I inherently respect the ideas and opinions of all Americans, but in the transcendent issue of abortion, I deeply believe that millions of Americans are on the broken side of a grievous issue.

I deeply believe that abortion is the taking of a human life (if your mother or mine would have had an abortion 1 day after conception, would either of us be here?). We are deceived to allow the unborn to be taken, and we have stood on a law that the Constitutional framers could never have conceived of that has ended 40 million lives.

It has been used as a method of birth control countlessly, and has facilitated a mentality that dehumanizes.

It matters to me because it my heart I can't condone or dismiss it regardless of opinion or even law. We should fight tooth and nail, we should change the law and promote a culture of life.

I'm am an ex-zygote myself, and am glad for the right to life.

Anyone else heartbroken over the lost lives callousness of attitudes toward life?

Except in cases of the mother's life being in danger, do we have a duty to protect the unborn?




  1. If my dad had worn a condom, I wouldn't be here.

    If my mum had decided she 'had a headache' that night, I wouldn't be here.

    If my parents had had a fight the day before, I wouldn't be here.

    Would these all be considered 'murder' by you? If not, your arguing position is inconsistent. A potential human being is not a human being, simply put.

  2. Yes.

    Life is important. I'm sure it's a tough choice for the mothers and they'd probably regret it in later stages of their life...

    But SAFE abortions are MORE important.

    And we have a DUTY to prevent back alley abortions.

  3. The world is rarely--if ever--black and white. Sometimes abortions are the responsible choice. Ever heard of anencephaly? The humane choice in that situation would be to abort the fetus.

    Pro-lifers need to stop complaining about abortions. If you guys really cared about life, you would be caring for the elderly, adopting severely disabled kids, or helping young mothers who live below the poverty line.

    If we ever outlawed abortions, there would be more desperate women in back alleys with coat hangers. We have a DUTY to protect women and the right to their body. I think a mentality that dehumanizes is the mentality that women, after conception, have no right to their body.

    I agree, however, that it should never be used as a birth control method.  

  4. First of all, instead of battling about abortion, battle for more s*x education and talk to your own dam kids about s*x.

    2nd, it is none of your business what I do with my body.  I should have the right to choose if I want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy (early in the pregnancy of course).

    3rd.  If you think it is so wrong, then YOU take care of all these kids.

  5. Did you know that three out of four pregnancies do not make it beyond the first month - naturally? Are you suggesting God himself aborts 75% of all people?

    "if your mother or mine would have had an abortion 1 day after conception, would either of us be here?"

    Why not start at sperm cells and ova? If you are going to be ridiculous, why not at least be consistent?

  6. "Anyone else heartbroken over the lost lives callousness of attitudes toward life?"

    When you concoct this inane Stalinist notion that people who disagree with you have "callousness of attitudes towards life", you undermine your entire argument.

    If you can't make your case without lying about people who disagree with you, you don't have a leg to stand on. Take a good look at how things were in the former Soviet Union, or in Maoist China. That is NOT how things should be here in the United States. That is why I oppose the anti-abortion rights movement.

  7. LOL- ex-zygote? Hahahaha

    Vot is not for abortion.

    But that term is hilarious.

  8. God would be a moron if he put a soul into a clump of cells that He knows will be aborted.  I give Him much more credit than to be that stupid.

    When or why a woman chooses to make decisions regarding her own body are absolutely none of your business.  You see, that is the main difference between you and me, I would never force another woman to abide by my beliefs regarding her own body.

    If one mother had aborted me, God would have just put me into another body.  Do you believe that anyone can usurp the authority of God?  If He wants a soul to be born, an abortion will never stop it.

    If the fundies really cared about children, why are there children out of the womb without healthcare?  You want to ensure their birth but you refuse to help the poor once they are here.  That is despicable.

  9. What you've got to understand about this is that the law does not cause abortions. Desperation causes abortions. A desperate woman will get one whether legal or not.

    What really needs to be done is to prevent unwanted pregnancies to begin with. That's the only thing, really the only thing in all the worlds, that will stop abortion.

  10. I agree with your entire post except for term Zygote... Zygote is a term used by pro choicers to try and rationalize away the fact that abortion is the taking of a human life as opposed to getting rid of a blob of skin tissue and cells that don't matter.. Other then that I agree with your post...God bless you !

  11. What about the right to a decent life? Why are prolifers so keen to bring every zygote to fruition but not so very keen to pay extra taxes and donate time and money to raise them all when their own parents can't or won't? What about the millions in orphanages or the constant wait for foster care adoption for older kids who need homes after beeing neglect or abused? I guess I feel as passionate about pro-choice as you do about your stance and feel parenthood is important enough to only be undertaken by someone ready and able to do the job.

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