
To All Hillary Supporters: Are you aware that it is not too late to elect Hillary?

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1. At the convention, Hillary's delegates are bound by law to cast their vote for Hillary in the first rounds.

2. Clearly1/3 ofMcCain supporters have said they would vote for Hillary if she were the candidate

3. It is not too late to mount an effort to get Hillary on the November ballot as a write in candidate

4. No one is obligated to vote for Obama and why would we want to after his campaign spent 17 months trashing us, and his arrogant, elitist supporters are interested in democracy they are only interested in electing their dark skinned candidate.

6. You should write to the elected officials in your state and demand that they cast their votes for Hillary on the first three ballots in the same number that voted for Hillary in your state:

The convention is not winner take all. Pledged delegates are bound by law to cast votes for candidate in strength that candidate was supported in primaries.

18 million voices should not be silenced by Obama's fascist tactics




  1. No the delegates are not bound by law to Hillary.  They can switch at will.  That is one of the many things I have against the DNC.  The delegates are not bound by their constituents.

  2. Hilary supporters should calm down. Your candidate didn't win, so? SHe wants you to help obama, so listen to her.

    Plus, obama ran a clean capaign, hilary was the one being dishonest. In fact, im suprised obama won with all these lies being tossed around about him.

    And if Hilary ran as an independent, then Mcain would just when because the vote would be divided.

    Its people like you who are going to tear the democratic party apart, put the republicans to power, and then get us replaced as the other second party by, *shiver* Libertarians

  3. Thank you for asking this question of Hillary Supporters; I note that none of the previous answers were from HIllary Supporters; so like all Obama nuts they are following "their" rules and answering a question they WERE NOT asked.

    I do believe Hillary could still be elected and that is why she suspended her campaign; I have written to her and Howard Dean and the DNC chairs of the Credential committee;

    in California we voted OVERWHELMINGLY for HIllary as did Massachusetts, Ohio, PA, New Mexico; and their delegates are duty bound to give those votes to Hllary on the first ballot; I believe if the delegates follow the rules Hillary will overwhelmingly be nominated as she has the most popular votes in the largest (electoral college) states

    the DNC is very aware of the mistakes they have made, in promoting BO to the detriment of Hillary and they know they will live to regret it.

    I am starting a write in candidacy petition in California for Hillary and I hope all other states do the same if she is not nominated at the Convention.

  4. Give it up will you? She lost and thats all there is to it, GEEZE.

  5. right. i didn't particularly like any of the candidates except Hillary (even though i wouldn't vote anyway)

    even if i didn't always agree with her, i think it's great that a woman got that far in the election for President. !!!! (=

    i would tell people to write-in for Hillary but people usually do not write -in because it takes too long. )=

    Hope I Helped!

  6. You are a few weeks behind in your propaganda.

    You need hype training or a demotion.

  7. Wait for convention.  There's always a chance.  Just ask a Ron Paul psycho.

  8. "Dark skinned candidate"?

    This smacks of not only prejudice but of sour grapes. Face it, Hillary may be an excellent senator, but she lacks the wherewithal to be president.

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