
To All Who Have Visited The West?

by Guest32825  |  earlier

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What was Your impresion

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  1. Level of development and civic services is impressive.

  2. Been in the U.S. couple of decades - first decade midwest, the next sunny Ca. Weatherwise, healthwise, Ca is great as is the abundance of natural/organic  fruits, veggies and grains....lots of nature, open parks, wilderness areas to visit, camp-out.  Getting around is much easier than in India. Life can be intense, also mundane, between chasing the $$ and getting home and not much social time. Can also be somewhat lonesome, without the typical interaction one has with neighbors, festivities in India. Interactions here are generally more distant, formal and on occasion.

    Am planning on re-locating within couple of years. Regular life  in India is pretty informal, open-hearted, is much more pleasurable even with the noise, crowds, slow pace in getting things done and such. which actually gives life a more laid-back, people-friendly character and adds to the charm. As Shalaka puts, more at home.

  3. Hi,

    I've visited USA many times.. am currently in USA too..

    I like it here.. but would not want to stay here all my life :)

    i mean its way too advanced compared to India in areas of infrastructure, technology etc.

    But i get really concerned with some things here.. see so many news of ramdom shooting in schools , malls , roadside.. missing children.. girls getting pregnant at 14??!  many senior citizens staying alone without their family close-by..

    The health care industry here is a bit too well organised and the effect of that is poor or no health support for people who cannot afford insurance..

    In addition I'm in Midwest region and there is nothing much to do from like Nov to March... due to the snow cold weather.. well except of course you have a big wallet and do not mind shopping sprees, theme parks etc :)

    Personally i feel more at home in India though it has a lot other problems like high population, polution etc.

    Me and my husband have been coming to USA for work reasons. We've always went back after an year or so.. and now that we have kids who'll go to school next year we want to go back to India for good :)

    In short even if you get a chance to live in a palace it will never feel home :)

  4. I live in the West, and I'm Indian. And Shalaka's answer stated it all, I know many people who've felt the same way.

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