
To Astrologers: Midheaven in Scorpio? What does this say about career/ purpose in life?

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Midheaven in Scorpio

I also have Pluto in Scorpio (conjuction)

and Mars (the other ruler of scorpio) in Aries.

What does this mean, would like to hear from astrologers or other ppl with this aspect.

Thankyou, this would mean so much xx


Sun > Gemini

Ascendant > Capricorn

Venus > Taurus

Mars > Aries

Mercury > Gemini

Jupiter > Cancer

Neptune, Uranus, Saturn all in Capricorn

Lilith > Scorpio




  1. The stereotypical answer would be something in the military or paramilitary ... maybe police, detective, forensics, store security, firefighter, working with chemicals or anything where you are doing something a bit risky.

  2. well im a sun in scorpio, but i know this is suppose to be a good year for all scorpios, so enjoy this year.

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