
To Auckland citizens: do you like living in Auckland?

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I'm planning to move from the UK (London) to Auckland, what can you tell me about the city? I have been there twice on holiday and think it's a really cool place, but some people say it's too spreadout with not much to do and bad traffic jams? (some Kiwi friends say that, are they right?)





  1. Yea it's pretty spread out, but that's just need to learn how to work around traffic, just like in any major city. weather here's pretty mixed, no snow in winter. pretty rainy in spring. trees still green in autumn. in summer it's hot at day, cold most nights. cold in the shadows, hot in the sun.

    silvia park's getting better..apparently it's still being finished though. (it's a shopping mall). I'm at school so I know the place from a kid's view..

    main attractions are of course the beaches, Victoria park markets, sky tower, rainbows end..(not). there's always something to do..but the shopping centers can get pretty boring with me and my friends always go to newmarket on Wednesdays after school, and it's soo boring now it's not funny. after a while you just need to get creative with what you do..go visit the diversity of the coasts..go see piha and bethels, and try new things.

    north shore - is pretty eccentric, and shopping centers look quite similar to those in aus.

    east/central - is noticeably the more wealthier areas of town, where the restaurants and hotels are, and town. also on the coast are the hard beaches, and big storms. as well as surfing.

    south - mangere, manakau, drury, is browntown..the polys live there. and also, kings and st kents colleges have moved out south for larger grounds.

    west - is usual westies grounds..interesting fashion and long hair.

  2. I like living in Auckland. Although I have not travelled much...

    The climate is good- doesn't get too hot in the summer (30C at the most) and doesn't get too cold in the winter (doesn't snow).

    Yea apparently the traffic is bad but I take public transport and im a uni student and my classes are at 10 so its not that bad when i ride.

    What I love about Auckland though is it is very multicultural. Even though i was born in Auckland I'm of Indian ethnicity and theres absolutely no issue- i hear that london is very multicultural too. However, i hear places like christchurch and melbourne are quite racist places so ive heard from people who have exxperienced it themselves.

    The average pay is less than UK and Australia but the cost of living is less but people usually come here for the laid back kinda lifestyle. A fraction of the people than in London and other cities and according to my sister whos been to Australia and US and stuff, even the way people dress are way laid back.

    But yea its a cool place to live and people are pretty friendly and stuff. It may not be the tourist capital of New Zealand but is the place to live- definately better than some of the other holes ive been to in NZ

    I would really love to visit London or maybe work there for a while after I graduate next year.

  3. The traffic is the worst in the country, but its no worse than other big cities like Sydney, which is far worse.  If you live close to where you work, then there are no hassles.  Its spread out, but thats not necessarily a bad thing, it means it is less crammed, with lower population densities.

  4. I was born in auckland but have moved to sydney, been living here about 7 years now. Personally i dont think auckland has anything going for it. The weather is miserable, the people on the roads are impatient and rude, the road works take forever which means the traffic is slow.. i think its a hole.

  5. I have just done the move last year but from Cumbria and we live just south of Auckland and we never have to actually go there as every thing we need is here. If you live in a busy place yopu are going to get traffic jams just like the M6!!! in rush hour traffic

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