
To Bubble Or Not To Bubble.... That Is The Question?

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OK, so i have a 10g tank, and after being completely non-succesfull at keeping a small tropical community, i have decided to just put another Betta in it, as i can actually keep those alive. It'sequipped with a filter and a heater, and i also have a bubbler, should i use that too? why or why not? well, thank-you in advanced!=]




  1. bubbler for oxygen supply. The heater might reduce the oxygen content of the water by increasing it's temperature.

  2. very good!!!  keep the bubbler, and add some dwarf frogs... they are pretty simple to add and you could have success at keeping them alive. plus they are pretty  cute

  3. Bubble it.  Gets the oxygen pushed around.

  4. 10 gal tank - 1 betta. Just use the power filter, it will provide plenty of water circulation and oxygen exchange.

    But if you want to use an airstone as well, just cos you like the look of the bubbles, it will do no harm, but you dont NEED it.


  5. Bubblers are great for your oxygen supply in your tank! I would use one  

  6. Betta Fish do not like current.

    The power filter is going to give you plenty of aeration you wont need the bubbler.

  7. we have a tank to 6000 liters of water loads

    bubble for oxigen for the plant the plants need oxygen the fish need plants defenetly bubbly better than anything cause if not ur fish will DIE  

  8. bubbles are good, but for 10g tank not needed

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