
To Christians who always get offended by people of different opinions...?

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Have you ever stopped to think about how WE might be offended by you talking about God?




  1. Morons always hate people more intelligent than they - simple sad fact of life.

  2. No, I never thought about it, and why would you be offended by talking about God?  What are you a Devil worshipper or are you Satan's helper?  You are going to h**l!

  3. Believers are selfish, they take PRIDE in their GREED thinking that they are the only people who have feelings, and other people are Satan's spawn.

    Wow, that's two sins they did.

  4. for starters they dont think or else they wouldn't believe and to all those that hve been told they r satan worshippers just tell them that if their god is real its his fault ya don't believe it always shuts them up  

  5. I agree. Take "Bride of Jesus" for example. Just because I said she was evil she said she is going to report me. Talk about sensitive. I mean it is nothing personal and I don't mean evil like Hitler or anything...I just believe all religion is evil because it is all lies and not a reality, and any activity which is not a reality is evil. Truth is light and light is love.

  6. What a ridiculous question. No offense!

    Consider the apostles of the early church. Do you think for one moment they ever thought that they should not be preaching Jesus Christ to people of other beliefs? Jesus gave them the command to preach and they did. The message of salvation is an offensive one. You are a sinner. You need to repent. Jesus alone can provide you with salvation. There is no other way.

    The thought of maybe offending someone out there with the message of salvation does not cross the mind of any Christian.

  7. Of course not, they've been brainwashed into thinking us Atheists are the spawn of Satan :P

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