
To Cut Down Global Warming?

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Which Cheap Element Can mix and Decimate CO2 without any support and make it heavy and fall onto the Ground?




  1. prevent deforestation

  2. First of all, you need to understand that CO2 is not harmful  to humans directly. There is a natural cycle on this planet. Animals create CO2, and plants remove CO2.

    The simplest answer to your question is to plant more trees and help them grow.

    If you have 2 or more trees around your house, you don't need to worry about CO2.

    There are no shortcuts in nature such as cheap elements to decimate CO2.

  3. Global Warming is Farce.


  5. these steps should be taken to fight global warming:

    *Look for energy qualified products

    *Heating cooling conditioners should be tuned well once a year.

    *Seal n insulate ur home.

    *Reduce n reuse n recycle every thing u use.

    *Grow more plants.

    *Use water efficiently.

    *Use ur personal vehicle as less as possible n when u cant walk, train or buss can be best options as u can imagine- 50 persons driving their personal cars would emit more polluting gases n waste more fuel than a single bus carrying them.

    *Maintain ur vehicles well so that they stay fuel efficient.

    All u need to do is to spread this message to everyone u possibly can.

    U can arrange a seminar or let ur frnds help u in painting posters n sticking them in ur college ,or u can get prints n distribute them, u can tell ur college authority or churh authority to spread the awareness they;ll surely help u. Keep teaching the area kids or relatives- A child is man's father :-).

    U can even go to festival gatherings or concerts n talk to the event managers n steal 10 mins of the show for this important cause, or the morning assembly or prom or ur bday or any important day of ur life or ur college life can be used constructively.

  6. There is none.  And trees cannot destroy CO2 at the rate we're producing it now.

    There is a natural "carbon cycle" that recycles CO2.  But it's a delicate balance and we're messing it up.

    Look at this graph.

    The little squiggles are nature doing its' thing. CO2 falls a bit during summer when plants are active, and rises during the winter. The huge increase is us, burning fossil fuels. The scientists can actually show that the increased CO2 in the air comes from burning fossil fuels by using "isotopic ratios" to identify that CO2.  The natural carbon cycle buried carbon in fossil fuels over a very long time, little bit by little bit. We dig them up and burn them, real fast.  That's a problem.

    Man is upsetting the balance of nature.  We need to fix that.

  7. Hey Bob, if your a scientist why don't you go out and study the climate yourself? Instead your always giving links to wikipedia or other sites. You know if I was a scientist I really wouldn't being using wikipedia to back up my information.

    Its not just Bob, all of these Global Warming freaks give links to different sites while claiming to be scientists.

    WOW! That graph looks really scientific! So how much is Al Gore paying you?

    People like you are just scaring others to get your ways. Lets see if the sea levels do rise 20ft in the next 15yrs.

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