
To Kill A Mockingbird - novel: Is Atticus a good parent to Jem and Scout?

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Is Atticus a good parent to Jem and Scout? Explain ur ans refering to the novel...

at least 3 points-3 paragraphs (8 lines each)...




  1. I had to do an essay on the exact same question, not overly hard so you can do it yourself, but some points are

    -Atticus is a good role model to his children, shown when he defends a black man and stands up to the other people in his community

    -Doesn't hide race problems from his children, which make them better people when they are older because they have better views on the world

    -Teaches his children to not be racist and that all men (and woman) are equal

    Hope this helps!

  2. Yes, he is a very good parent.  He helps them learn to think for themselves, and to grow up to be tolerant and kind and understanding.  He stands up for what is right, even when the right thing is not easy or popular to do.  

    If you are studying the novel now, there are numerous online resources to help you with it and with questions such as this one.  Many of them offer chapter summaries, character sketches, discussions of themes, setting, imagery, and symbolism, etc.  Do a search for “study guides for To Kill a Mockingbird” etc., and you will find many sites.  Also, do a search here on yahoo answers for “To Kill a Mockingbird” and you will find a wealth of information.  Best of luck with it.

  3. Maybe you should write your own paper ;). I think he was a good father, he did the best he could with what he had.

  4. Sounds like homework.

    He is a good father a little tough love but fair

  5. Not going to do your homework for you here, but...

    Yes, Atticus is a good parent.  It is obvious in his interactions with them, in how he speaks to them with respect, and how he demonstrates a willingness to stand up for all people and to view others with an open mind and fairness.

    Start looking for examples.

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