
To Kill Or Not To Kill?

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Would you rather let you dog die naturally or have it euthanized? I think I would prefer to let my dog pass away naturally. You never really know what it going on with their body and how they truly feel. I think having my dog euthanized would be more painful.




  1. Euthanize.  If my dog is gasping, and panicking, and dying, and in agony, and confused, and doesn't know where it is, or who I am, there's no way in the world I'm going to let him or her continue on like that.  I will go with him/her, hold their paw, stroke their head, and say "thanks for all you've done for me", and humanely put them to rest.

  2. There is no question about it. If my dog were suffering, I would have it euthanized. And painfully, I have had to do it to several of my dogs. It is more of a comfort to me knowing I took their pain and suffering away than to make them live and suffer just to keep them alive. It is a difficult decision to make, but a very humane one.

  3. It's a tough call to make.  A few years ago, my Irish Wolfhound was going downhill fast.  He was 14 years old, remarkable for that breed since they're so large.  It broke my heart to see him struggle to get up from his bed, his appetite decreased and he was lethargic.  He ended up passing away before we could take him to the vet - he had an appointment scheduled for the next day.  If the vet had suggested he be put to sleep because he was miserable, I would've gone along with that, as difficult as it would have been.  I didn't want him to suffer any more.  As it worked out, he died at home with his loved ones by his side.

  4. I would put my dog down if it was in pain. I don't want him to suffer.

  5. I will always have my animals PTS rather than watch them suffer and die a slow lingering death.  Dogs are put under before the killing shot is given. They don't feel pain that is the entire point of putting your animal to sleep.

  6. Depends on the situation.

    If my dog was suffering, I'd euthanize. I will not keep a dog alive because I want it alive... that's just too selfish to me.

    Loosing a dog is not easy no matter what happens. However I owe it to my dogs to give them as peaceful a death as I can possibley can. It's not supposed to be easy to do.

    I wish we were as compassionate with humans.

  7. It would depend on what my dog was dying from.  If it was a painful death, I would prefer having him euthanized to spare him any more suffering.

  8. I've done both and its hard no matter what you choose but if you know your dog, you will know if it is in pain or suffering and want to ease the pain, if they can quietly fade away naturally then it will probably be easier for the owner.

  9. Euthanasia is a painless procedure, other than having a needle inserted into the leg.

    Allowing your dog to suffer with arthritis, kidney failure, or WHATEVER may be going wrong is cruel.

    If the dogs quality of life his dramaticaly less than previously in their life, it's time to euthanize.

  10. wishnuwell, that was so beautiful. Although I must admit I haven't sobbed like that in a long long time..Thank you.

  11. Its never easy to put a pet down.No matter how old no matter how sick,no matter how ill.The pain is always there.You can tell your self all the right things but in the end,in that moment when there Spirit leaves their body,you cannot help but feel the loss.It hurts ether way but of course natural is the best but some times we are blessed to help our friends end there pain instead of the agony that can some times come with waiting.No such thing as easy way out.Tilks Mom

  12. well it matters how they are dieing. if your dog is in pain then it's best to probably get it euthanized because euthanization is actually painless. if the dog dies from old age like in their sleep or something, thats the best way for them to go

  13. That's actually very backwards.

    Humane euthanizing of an animal is the best way to go if that time has come. It is an overdose of a drug, that just lets the animal drift off to sleep, and stops the heart. No pain whatsoever.

    Letting the animal die naturally can be very cruel depending on what he/she is dying from.

    If you are paying attention, your dog can tell you how he/she is feeling.  

  14. It'd depend on what was wrong with it.  If it's obviously living in pain, I'd definitely euthanize it.  A lot of pets tend to stop eating too when they're near death, and it just seems cruel to let them continue in pain/hunger.  They can't be comfortable, and sometimes they don't even feel up to doing anything =/  I've never had to euthanize a pet, I've only had one die on me.  He was a kitty, 15 years old, and he died of a heart attack or stroke.  He didn't have any symptoms before hand, he was perfectly fine the day before.  Sad stuff =(

  15. I bet everyone would just love their dog to live long and happy healthy lives and to die peacefully in their sleep, but sometimes that doesn't happen and you have to put the dog first.

    May I Go Now?

    May I go now?

    Do you think the time is right?

    May I say goodbye to pain filled days

    and endless lonely nights?

    I've lived my life and done my best,

    an example tried to be.

    So can I take that step beyond

    and set my spirit free?

    I didn't want to go at first,

    I fought with all my might.

    But something seems to draw me now

    to a warm and loving light.

    I want to go

    I really do.

    It's difficult to stay.

    But I will try as best I can

    to live just one more day.

    To give you time to care for me

    and share your love and fears.

    I know you're sad and afraid,

    because I see your tears.

    I'll not be far,

    I promise that, and hope you'll always know

    that my spirit will be close to you

    wherever you may go.

    Thank you so for loving me.

    You know I love you too,

    that's why it's hard to say goodbye

    and end this life with you.

    So hold me now just one more time

    and let me hear you say,

    because you care so much for me,

    you'll let me go today


    Time to let me go my friend,

    Because my life no-one can mend,

    It’s better to let me go this way,

    Than watch me suffer night and day.

    I'm happy to go, my time has come,

    My quality of life is no longer fun,

    I’ve been so ill, so it’s not a bad thing,

    To let me go forever resting.

    Stay with me till I drift away,

    Fast asleep forever I pray,

    To relieve me from suffering and pain,

    What more can I ask from my best friend.

    Don't be sad, I'll be free from pain,

    Never to be ill ever again,

    I know you'll miss me being there,

    But all the memories you have to share.

    Thank you for being my best friend,

    And all my needs that you did tend,

    Try not to be sad, try not to cry,

    Now is the time to say goodbye

    Put me to rest.

  16. Euthanize.

    I think very few dogs go "peacefully" when it is natural.  Euthanasia is not painful, it is the same drugs that are used to put your dogs "under" (for surgery or whatever), it is just an overdose.  

    I would never want my dog to be in chronic pain, or in such a mental state that they are miserable.  When it comes to something like this, you need to not think about yourself, and what would be easier for YOU to deal with, and think what would be best for your pet.

  17. depends on if my dog is in pain.  Sometimes humans cant tell but most times if you are around your dog a lot, you can tell.  I'd never want to have my animal in pain if the pain could not be stopped or controlled by medication.

    If you were in pain would you rather have a shot of live for months or years in pain?

  18. depends on the reason. we had a dog that just collapsed one day. lost control of all bodily functions. my wife took her to the vet who said not much to be done. we decided to euthanize her. she died before the vet could get her out of the crate.

  19. I would rather them not suffer and more, or longer than needed and have them euthanized.  It's a over dose of anesthesia.  It's not painful at all, they really just go to sleep.

  20. We euthanized our cat two days ago.  We'd struggled to help him manage kidney failure for months.  He had a good spell, then everything went wrong.  Extraordinary measures were needed to keep him going and we considered, given the effort, discomfort to him and quality of life the measures would buy for what little time was left, was it worth it to put him through that?  

    We decided not.  The vet sedated him, put him in my arms and I sang to him while she gave him the needle.  He was gone in less than a minute, without a whimper or tremor.  I thought at the time, "I hope mine is as  quick and peaceful."

    Please forgive me; you asked a question about dogs and I answered with a story about my cat, and it wasn't even a proper answer.  I'm glad we could close the book on his life and know that he was calm and without pain.  My heart is breaking right now, but at least I could give him that much comfort.  He was too ill to continue much longer.

  21. it depends if your dog is suffering like realy sick it would be better to stop he suffering(get it euthanized) i know its very sad =(....but if its healthy only a weirdo would get it euthanized ....if its healthy but old naturally is better

  22. I think you read what the dog is telling you, its all about quality of life and a dog could be in alot more pain that you would know.  If the dog does not want to eat or go on walks anymore this dog has probably lived its life to the fullest!

  23. Really depends. We put our dog down after his kidneys shut down. He was in pain and only had hours left. Why let him suffer anymore?

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