
To Kill other believers of Jesus is this what the jihad are claiming ?

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To Kill other believers of Jesus is this what the jihad are claiming ?




  1. Islam requires that a Muslim believe in the second coming of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) who will return to save mankind from the Great Deceiver (known to Christians as the Anti-Christ). Islam also says that Christians are the closest in love to Muslims, and even allows Muslim men to marry Christian women; the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) even had a Christian wife. Jihad is more about personal struggle, avoiding temptations to sin, and so on. Islam cleary states conversion is not compulsory. Even in warfare, Islam forbids the killing of women, children, elderly, people in houses of worship, and so on. Suicide counts as murdering an inoccent person. Every religion has people who use faith to justify evil acts that clearly violate its teaching. Lastly, Muslims are not supposed to blindly follow clerics or religious leaders, even though this goes on.

  2. no its not so. Its all negative propoganda against Islam and its teaching. If u really want to know the meaning of jihad see the authentic translation of Holy Quran and concern a religious scholar but authentic. Dont trust or believe watever the people used to say about jihad

  3. Jihadists don't believe in Jesus. Kill any non-muslim, thats what jihadists believe.

  4. The trouble with Islam seems to be that they have no leadership and therefore they translate the Qoran? in as many ways as there are different groups. I'm sure there are many moderates among them but there are far too many radicals who don't care who they kill, even groups who may have different views of their religion.

    The way they express their hatred would make you believe they don't even care if they kill their own mothers with their random bombings.

    They are so divided they can't even unite to either fight or make peace with Israel so I sometimes think we spend far too much time worrying about them.

  5. No, that is not what they are claiming! However, they will be doing the world a favor if they kill morons like you!

  6. If it looks like a duck and explodes like a duck............

  7. Jihad literally means to "struggle in the way of God" and is sometimes referred to as the sixth pillar of Islam, although it occupies no official status as such.[1] Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants.[2][3] In broader usage and interpretation, the term has accrued both violent and non-violent meanings. It can imply striving to live a moral and virtuous life, spreading and defending Islam, and fighting injustice and oppression, among other things.[4] In the languages of non-islamic cultures, the term is usually used to refer to Muslim 'Holy War' or any violent strife invoking Allah.

    The primary aim of jihad is not the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam by force, but rather the expansion and defense of the Islamic state.

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