
To Men/Boys: Do you care about your appearence?

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In the modern western world it seems that many women care about their appearence. You get loads of products and stuff for women to look after and pamper theirselves. But, to be honest, I hardly seen any for men to look after and pamper theirselves.

I can't be the only male who cares about my appearence and to look good?

To Men/Boys, do you care about what you look like?

Should there be more beauty products (even though that sounds quite femenine) for men on the market?




  1. hey man you should put me as your best answer just cuz im awesome

  2. of course i care about what i look like. even if there were more "beauty products" on the market for men, "beauty" products are considered to be mainly for women and if a man buys one, he is considered g*y. so if they did come out with more products for men, they would have to call them something else. not "beauty" products.

  3. Yes, I do care about my appearance. XD

    My hair, face, and clothing mainly.

    I don't really go as far as to use makeup though.

    Uhm. I fix my hair a lot, haha. If there are cars, I use them as mirrors and make sure my hair isn't messed up. :P

    I think there are enough beauty products for men. Or you can just use the products made for women, it should be the same. :O

  4. <--------- errrr.... No   ; )

    There are plenty of products out there if you do want them though.

  5. I like the clear distinction between men and women.  Young men are falling for all the nonsense hype being pitched to them to try and justify mens grooming products.  What a load of cr*p.  They sold us hairspray for a while when I was young.  What a load of nonsense that was.  Most women want a clean shaven, clean MAN, not a cross between a man and a woman.  Character, not moisteriser. lol.

  6. I do care about my appearance, but not make up wise. Like body wise, got to keep your body in shape. If I have a pimple or something, I would want that gone, but I do not put on like mascara or stuff like that.

  7. okay, im a girl, but i think so. men/boys care about their apperance just as much, if not more then girls. some may not care but they're are tons that do. they're worried about their weight, skin, clothes and hair I'm not to sure about. but i think they should have some sort of product.  

  8. No. Soap, water, a razor, and medicated aftershave are enough for me.

  9. r u g*y or something

  10. send me a pic of you

  11. I'm happy as long as I don't look like a tramp or a hippy.

  12. OMG!11111111111111  that is lyyyyyyk soooooooooooooo femmmmmmmmmmyyyyyy!1111111111111  eeewwwwwww!1111111111111111

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