
To Muslim men (woman can answer aswell)?

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Lets say you had a daughter who was at the age of 13. Would you tell her to wear a hijab? and what would you if she refused?




  1. Beat her.. honestly,, but give her an advice first..

    if she said.."I'm still young to use it"

    and tell her "do you know when you'll die?"

  2. If you want to. yea.

    I don't even wear it myself

  3. I would have her start wearing the hijab from a very young age so i wouldn't have to go through that.


  4. I have a sister and My dad never forced her to wear one but he explained that as a Muslim she should. Still though, my dad only gave her the option. I wouldn't punish her, at 13 she may not understand why she is suppose to cover her hair.

    If you live in the west, like I do, they she may think that it is silly to wear one especial when girls at they age are so bliss, impressionable and just trying to fit in.

    Never, ever punish her though! Because she, and see alone will answer to The GOD and she has the right to make her own decisions.


  5. not a 13

    she could wear the hijab

    when ever she want to

    no need to force it on her

    wait till she is good and eady

  6. personally i would but wouldnt force her to wear it,why cuz i dnt like force ! also its upto her

  7. If I had a daughter... I would talk about it in her early years, as she is growing (along with all other Islamic topics), before she has too many western friends that would have influence on her choices. They say that she should be wearing it from 9 years old (13 years old is late... but it's still ok!)

    I would strongly suggest and be very persuasive about it. But if she would still refuse, or disagree, than let it be. Cannot force anyone to do things.

  8. Well since our input is welcomed..

    if i had a daughter i would start by explaining the meaning and purpose of the hijab to her at an early she grows older i'd start dropping hints and reminding her about it every now and then, perhaps ask her to wear it for a few hours or days when she goes out just to get the feeling of it??

    but ultimately she has to make the decision on her own i'd never force it on her..she has to be convinced otherwise what would be the point of wearing it? most girls don't realize how big of a responsibility the hijab is..and what's even bigger is being committed to it!! so you find those who were forced to wear it simply discarding it once they're out of their family's sight. I don't want my daughter to be one of those

    if she still insisted on not wearing it then maybe i could have a knowledgable person or family/friend speak to her..if all fails then i guess I'd pray and ask allah to guide her

    I grew up in a moderate household and my parents have never mentioned the hijab to me, not even once yet i chose to wear it al hamdullilah and i've never been happier.

    i wish i had done it sooner though when i was a teen but oh well..better late than never

  9. i would tell her. yes

    what would i do. kill the girl. lol

    i'll just wait till she wants to. and if she doesn't, than that's her choice.

  10. first of all , I will ask you a question , if you had a daughter of any age and she told you that she does not want to study or go to school , would you let her ?, .................

    depending on your answer education is so important in Islam , but yet Islam and what we have to do in Isalm"praying , fasting , hijaab......" are much important

    by the way , if i had a daughter I wont let her to that age to tell her about hijab , but I  would make her at that age ready to wear it .

    HOPE I HELPED >>>>>>>>>

  11. No, it should be her choice. I would make her dress modestly, nothing too S****y, keep in mind shes still a teen.

  12. Give her the option, don't force it

  13. I would tell her the benefits of wearing a hijab and its importance and inshallah i will be blessed with a daughter who will listen to me and i will spend time listening to her questions 2.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  14. Im sorry to say this bro but you are very late you have no other choice but to force her

  15. yes of course i would but i'd NEVER force, but inshAllah i'll be a good parent and teach her young.  :D

  16. i think its a mother's job to explain to her daughter what to and what not to wear.

    if the young girl sees her mother and her family with hijab, then why would she even consider not wearing it?

  17. I would encourage her to wear the Hijab (headscarf) from age 7.

    It is at this age that a Parent should encourage a child to pray Salah.

    By the age of 10, I would ensure that she wears it full-time when outside the home.

    Inside the home she is free to remove it when she wishes.

    If she refused? I would pray for her guidance and advise her correctly.

  18. if she started her period,yes i would,i would be already raising her to know when she should wears it.

    if she refused,then i know i did a bad job raising her...honestly i don't know what i would do if she insists on refusing,i won't beat her or ban her from going out!

  19. I am a mother, and as a mother, I hope that my daughter will choose to wear hijab, but that is certainly her choice.  Hijab is the choice of each individual Muslimah, and only culturally backward men force it on women. First and foremost, there should be no compulsion in religion.

    As a former teacher, I feel one of the best ways to influence our children is by modeling the same behavior we want from them. Though she's still a toddler, my daughter loves to play with my scarves and play dress-up. She also likes to use towels and shawls as scarves. We like to encourage her at this age, rather than admonishing her.

    I show her videos on YouTube and seek out pictures online of Muslim girls doing anything that other girls do, while wearing hijab -- things such as playing basketball, soccer, canoeing, jetskiing, etc. Luckily, we live in a large Muslim community where it's very common to see girls and women in hijab, and most girls wear them to school here.

    As she gets older I will explain more to her and let her decide.

  20. Yes, I would teach her to wear the Hijab from a young age. I would teach her Islamic values and do my best to be a close and good father to her, starting from a young age, and I will do my best to protect her from the downgrading society around us.

    I doubt she would refuse, but if she did, I would do everything that I possibly could to bring her back to Islam and get her to have faith again.

  21. I think it's hard for any girl to just be told to do something like this at such an age.  I feel that the hijab is something which you have to introduce to the child when growing up, not as soon as you realise the girl is growing up.  If she has been involved in Islam throughout her life and has seen other members of the family wearing it also then i find it would be easier for her to accept but if she has never worn it before and it's sumat which has been said to do outa the blue, then i can understand it taking time for her to accept.  Wearing the hijab is hard for mature older women let alone a teenager. One step at a time.

  22. From a young age I will keep teaching about Allah and how much it will please Allah if you do what is right, I will make her understand that is very important and will make Allah happy if you wear it..

    So inshallah by the time she is 13, by her ownself and willingly she will want to wear Hijab..

  23. Nope i wudnt tell her to wear a hijab, it's her wish if she wants to or not...not at 13....but if from her will she ever wants to wear it, i wud be glad bout it and wud encourage it :)

  24. if she is grown up ( had her menses ), then i'll tell her that allah want us to wear it and she should wear it as well if she wants to please and obey allah , but i'ld never force her to do something that she doesnt want to..

    always love & peace..

  25. I would NEVER force it on her.. but yes I would suggest it. If she refuses I would tell her to talk to some ppl who do wear it and tell her to study more abt the concept of hijab.

  26. yes i would tell her the importance of the hijab

    however i would not pressure her after i hav tried my utmost to encourage her


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