
To Muslims- I'm teaching my lil sis how to pray. When she's practising does she need to wudhu?

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Cos my lil sis isn't ACTUALLY praying... she's just practising and getting familiar with the steps of praying. Even so... she's not covered up. She's just wearing her casual attired - shorts and long sleeves

It should be alright, right? I mean she's not ACTUALLY praying. JUST learning




  1. it is great what you are doing

    i think you should teach her how to wudhu and how to cover so she get use to it

    and i think she will enjoy wudhu as a kid

  2. Like if she's under six no because I think it's already enough to learn with the salat movements but to add wudu on top of that wait till she's 7. she's fine praying like that till she's around 8 or so but then she should be practicing covering up.

  3. She should do wadhu and cover up

    -Good luck on teaching her :D

  4. honestly, why should she need to be covered to pray? or even practice. And why do you have to learn to pray? I'm not being rude, i honestly want to know.

  5. She's only practicing, learning, its fine. Just whatever you're teaching for now...

    Here's one ayah for wudhu -

    Al Qur'an, 5:6. O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles...."

  6. Assallam mu alaikom.

    No. No need for her to have wuthu' ( ablution ), however, it is good to make her practise as though it is real. This is to prevent her from adopting wrong perception about the connection of wuthu', solat and recitation of surah.However, the most effective way of learning is to let your sister to join you when you perform the prayer. Let her have the exposure of performing the actual solat. Let her have her wuthu' adorn the proper dress for  prayer and perform the solat with you. I think she will be able to catch up with the lesson faster than your expectation. Anyway, congratulation,sister.

    Wassallam mualaikom.

  7. Tell her to pray to the all mighty God and ask Him if this religion is for her.  It's really important that she does this because God will use some person to help her find the right way.

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